
Right now: a glass of oyster bay sauv blanc. Later, either a deep eddy grapefruit vodka and soda, or maybe some IPA. (I have a mixed 6 pack, so I have options.) I have a nice granacha, too.


I have some Republican family that was up in arms about the “nanny state” implication of the healthy eating in schools program.

Sure, but you need a doctor.

That was so hard to read, and I’m so glad I read it.

I grew up going to moderately diverse schools. (Probably most people thought very diverse, but still majority white.) I was a musician, had a pretty diverse group of friends, etc. That said: I had NO IDEA about skin/hair/standards-of- beauty bullshit and how it impacted other women. I wonder, at this point, if any of

Not gonna lie: teared up a little.

Holy shit, what???

When I was an undergrad, I took a class called “race and the media.”

I’m from California, and now live in the Midwest. Not even in a major city.

yes, in the sansa and Jon reunion episode.

My fall semester, in my sophomore year of college was interesting, hair-wise (and otherwise, tbf.)


I used to get highlights to cover my grey. I stopped when I got crazy blonde. (Not what I wanted.) Then I just slightly changed my color every time. (Warm brunette, although my skin tone is too pink for that, probably.)

Grey hair is in!

How many rage strokes can I have before my heart gives out, or I have a real stroke?

And/or, those dudebros wouldn’t consider when they raped someone to be rape.

I can’t click on the link. I read so much of what he says (and hear his voice and cadence in my head.)

Trump has nothing to say about the white man from Indiana that was arrested yesterday in Los Angeles? He had high powered assault rifles and stuff to make bombs. He said he was going to go to the LA Gay Pride parade.

I’m angry. Pretty much all the time. The bigotry and intolerance I see every fucking day is intolerable. Then it’s made manifest in violence. Often.