
Solid life choice with the soup. Currently drinking. Might make my dinner popcorn.

I’m usually drinking wine or craft beer. Tonight? Deep Eddy grapefruit vodka and soda. (I usually think flavored vodka tastes like synthetic poison, but this is different! It’s a corn based vodka, like Tito’s - but distilled 10x, instead of 6- and uses real grapefruit juice and a touch of cane sugar. SO GOOD.)

Agreed. Why is he not my best friend? (with apologies to my real bestie, who is a guy. Actually, we could have a best friend threesome. Not in a sexy way. In a jokey, foodie way.)


I think he’d be super fun to hang out with! But only sometimes.

Kind of derailing the conversation, don’t you think?


Omg. I can’t with this. All the feels.

I unabashedly love him. He’s been a great president (and obvs, his IDGAF phase has been fucking golden), is a great husband, and father.

No. I get THAT, but why does she have a 5 cake?

But.... I don’t get what’s going on there.

I don’t follow famous people on social media, but now I think I should!!

Thanks teen!

It is! I kinda love it.

Omfg, can we talk about Track? Actually, let’s not.

No, that’s creepy af.

I love her character so damn much.

I was at a bar last night and ran into a woman I know casually. I joined her and her two women friends. A guy was with them, but he had just kinda joined the group and was hitting on one of the women. At one point, he turned to the other white woman and me, and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m only interested in dating women

I didn’t consider it from that angle. That’s a good point. And I really am looking forward to it.

As ever. Fingers crossed.