Always train beer.
Always train beer.
the car has some nice lines and some interesting detailing, and would certainly be at home next to any Mercedes or BMW premium sedan
Throw on a 3-inch Rough Country lift and some fat tires, and now you’re talking.
Yeah, sorry, that’s on me. After wolfing down the black bean soup and BLT salad—washed down with three Blue Point Ambers—at the Yale Club, I passed gas on my way to the back entrance to the Oyster Bar for cocktails and cleared the main concourse.
Not only must it be unanimous*, but the jury must conclude that the evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt. is available.
She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized.
I kinda wish not drinking was as normalised as drinking is. I have people in my life (deffo not friends, but they turn up at my house, phone my mum multiple times a day, every day,) who drink constantly. Like they would quite happily drink a bottle of cider for breakfast if they could.
are you really doing a “guns don’t kill people” here?
That’ll all change when she reads my comment tho.
McCain described Sanders as promoting the “complete paradigm shift of the American system as we know it.”
I’m not being disingenuous. If alcohol makes you want to fight, the problem is you, not the sauce. (And I think you’re agreeing with this point?)
Police who responded to the scene said that the couple had been drinking, which may have predicated the fight.
The census is spending $50 million in an attempt to convince the Latinx community it won’t be used against them.
I saw Abused in Scouting open for The Stranglers at the Anarchy Café.
I also don’t understand why the state of Indiana gave a medical license to a 10-year-old (6-year-old in 2016) in the first place.
Your sisters work for the Trump Administration?
This is exactly why I try to stand up for my beliefs only though hatred.