- Six-month supply of speedballs for Hunter Biden
Whoa. Tony Romo reads books?
American cheese—processed though it may be—is the best cheese for melting on sandwich like this.
“Iowa Mean” is deciding for the rest of the country that 80% of announced candidates will be irrelevant after 100,000 white septuagenarians make their choices known.
How do I enable that option in Maps?
What the fuck is that nonsense.
The Washington Post has long been associated with a kind of male journalist machismo in the style of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
That’s a lot of question marks for a comment with no questions in need of actual answering.
Because you save Roy Rogers to close the deal on the third date.
Tires in 2014 and alignment in 2016 = meticulously maintained?
Sounds pretty obvious he’s getting ready to emerge from the closet?
Do it once or twice, and you’ll quickly learn how much you don’t need.
Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the President, says the White House’s Middle East plan is “a great deal” and if Palestinians reject it, “they’re going to screw up another opportunity, like they’ve screwed up every other opportunity that they’ve ever had in their existence.”
Like any other band with their cool factor and hipster quotient, they put out albums on vinyl, which makes them compatible with Bernie’s phonograph.
a older wrangler for less than $10k that is a camping/trail toy back up vehicle is not a bad thing.
What works in New York City may not be accepted in, say, Boise, Idaho.
I just assumed most influencer-followers were already on a host of pharmaceuticals.