SID 8.0

I got to say I didn't see this…Hahahahaha!! So long shit bag.

I find it even weirder when a girl asks for it. I never do because I don't want that kind of ammunition out there that can be used against me later. I just tell them I can't because of a copyright issue.

Me too, loved that show.

He was the only one with any sense about taking on John. Sniper rifle.

I saw him in an interview years ago. He said him and his son were on the subway in NYC one day and a group of tough looking brothas got on. They were staring at him for awhile and he was getting nervous when he saw them whispering about him. Then he heard one of them say. "Yeah, that's him. No one else looks like that

The end of the world guy hit it right on the head when he told Jesse that isn't a sign that the end times are hear if people are selling off pieces of their soul for money. Herr Starr is my favorite new character anywhere. He'd fit right in on GOT too.

Still counts. I just had sex.

If Mooch doesn't own a Lamborghini Countach I will be severely disappointed.

He is the expert.

I know. The hardest part is when I talk to people who I know casually like at the gym or supermarket and they ask how I'm doing. I tell them I'm fine because I can't drop that weight on them.

Trump is the scorpion in the old parable.

It all checks out.

I think we all know what's in the books, Sam has to copy, read fast. Dr. Tarly: Medicine Man. I'm glad it wasn't a love fest when John and Dany met too. It's a lot to ask of someone to believe there's a zombie army coming when you already fighting another war. Tyrion was great as always, "I doubt brood as good as


My father died last Tuesday he was 75. You have no idea how hard that was to type. I told him I loved him every time we spoke on the phone and it still feels like it wasn't enough. I hope your parents are around for a long time. Even 47 years feels like a second sometimes.

A big reason why I joined the Air Force was because of The Right Stuff and his performance in it. So many great roles from him. Even late in his career, Felon, Cold For August. The early stuff of course too. Thunderheart, was another.

Armethy, doing the "I can't hear you" move in Blood Dome was hilarious.

Yes but with a fork and knife.

Jerry, "I'd prefer a van."

Lenny Kravitz= Both