SID 8.0

Thank you, Elmer Fudd.

Keegan's face when he first starts singing is priceless.

Cassidy, showing off his new tattoo and talking about Denis' tat. "He got, Shemp from The Three Stooges. Shemp, for chissakes!" Starr asking Jesse if he had any 'piercings' during the metal detector scene was funny too. The shadow play was inventive, reminded me of the sex scene in Team America. Poor, Jesse. All that

Man that was some SYFY movie of the week level bad acting.

He couldn't lead rats to garbage.

The only thing I want his tiny hands doing is writing his resignation letter.

Yes, and who might you be?

Being named WH communication director is like being named the new head of ISIS. I miss her already. Oh, Hope we hardly knew ye!

We had some good times. Winning the Revolutionary War, the moon landing, Woodstock, WW I and II. The Louisiana Purchase. MTV, the early years anyway. The Civil rights movement. Best of all breakfast all day at McDonald's.

I'd bet good money on that.

He's really not good at this job. Where is his supervisor?

That's how his great grandfather got out of the Civil War.

Yes, most of the heat leaves the body through the top of the head.

I loved the whole jail cell scene. Nearly everyone had a reason to kill each other but, Jon was like squash all that shit. "We're still breathing." Oh yeah, no hats guys? War for The Planet Of The Apes has a funny scene when one of the chimps walks out wearing a ski vest and cap because it's cold and snowy. The

Put it in a suit of armor with sunglasses.

They have been using the Mass Effect rings.

Lance Reddick is such a great actor, the tone, inflection, and suspicion in his voice on the basketball court was perfect.


Rick, "Eww, that was more croc than bot."

Morty's reaction to finding out it was Noot-Noot. "Motherfucker!"