SID 8.0

That's real! Sean Spicer is going to be on Dancing with the stars?

Mooch's profile: New Yorker if you know what I mean. I'm a fullonrapist. Philanthropist, philanthropist! Get it together, Mooch! I have a Ferrari.

He was actually. Loved the whole thing. Only question I have is why didn't Tom Hardy land closer to his people in the end? But still he was badass! Took down a fighter with no power, that's very cool.

Are you the reason why they took the coffee brewers away?

No interest in this storyline. The idea of the South winning does bring up what would've happened during WWII? A divided America wouldn't get involved.

"Get on your knees!" I love it, played him perfectly.

Went to see Dunkirk yesterday and 3 teenage girls sitting next to me were whispering and conversing through the whole damn movie. They actually took a selfie at one point! One of them was on her phone through most of it, they came to see Harry fuckin' Styles!

He's been holding that one in his back pocket for a looooooong time.

At first I thought Theon jumped overboard to get on Euron's ship and take him by surprise later but then I saw him floating on debris later. Ah, Reek's back, try explaining this one to Dany.

Hail, Hardwick!

Is Hardwick the white Steve Harvey? Or is Harvey the black Hardwick? Anyway, loved the show it had a great run.

Cassidy, pushing the frozen thug over was a light touch in a heavy episode.

It's the name of my folk/ska band. We don't play many shows.

Is Euron also the lead singer of Kasabian? Where is Ser Pounce? Trump wine, when you need to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes. Giant White Walkers!

W was like a big old saint bernard that shits on your carpet everyday. And then starts a war on a lie that costs tens of thousands of peoples lives. Takes away your freedoms, legalizes torture in blacksites around the world. Plus tanks your economy. Yeah, he's still worse than trump. Anger. Coming. Back.

He's actually likable, trump is not it's just that simple.

A lot great work represented here, the one that I hope wins more than any other is John Turturro for, The Night Of. That was a career performance from him.

I always felt these crazy days we live in were missing something, a soundtrack. NIN is just the group to get it done. Loved, Trent since the first time I heard Pretty Hate Machine can't wait for the new stuff.

One of the things I love about the show is Jesse's facial expressions. When he walked up to the gate and the follicley challenged guards told him to beat it after asking politely about Tulip. His face turned angry in an instant. "Open the gate." His whole attitude changed. How is it that Preacher has better fight

Loved this series, second only to Young Justice as the best DC has put out.