The saddest part of recent elections is we no longer choose the best candidate, we are forced to vote for the candidate we dislike the least.
The saddest part of recent elections is we no longer choose the best candidate, we are forced to vote for the candidate we dislike the least.
“The BBC would like to apologize for the error in programming and regrets any inconvenience it may have caused. Those responsible have been sacked”
“WSMV has been investigating Tennessee State Troopers over a number of false DUI arrests”
The internet was a mistake.
Can he please, please, please please please please go to prison
Look at the books little Tammy is holding - way past her reading level.
Reminds me of a certain Toyota Hilux.
I’m confused. How are car seats driving down birthrates?
“American families aren’t having enough children.”
Ah, so he was trying to dogwhistle but accidentally foghorning even back then.
He wants kids to die in car accidents. He wants people to pump out extra kids to replace their killed ones. Its perfect logic if you are a repulican.
Nah, just a couple of the sluttiest cushions he can find, right on his lap.
Does he put an ottoman in a car seat for long road trips?
Absolutely. Some of the lobotomies weren’t recent.
“’unknown cargo detection and evidence collection system’ designed to prevent vehicle owners from becoming a “blind mule” for drug traffickers.”
Tim Hortons just has a way of attracting some fine behavior:
♫ You load 16 tons, what do you get ♫
Sheesh, you use silicone for pot grabbers, and I can tell from personal experience wearing a leg/stump liner for my prosthetic: It is hot!
It’s easy to demonize the neighbors as petty or whiny, but maybe people are getting tired of the wealthy not following the rules that they were taught to follow?
Guy spent $100,000 on a vanity project for his kid and purposely avoided the government because he didn’t feel like he should pay the government a few hundred…