Pastor of Muppets

We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby” 

I might misunderstand, but here’s what it looks like to me: Tina applied to 2 financing companies, selected the offer from one, finished the paperwork, and owned the car. So far, so good, a normal process. But then the dealership submitted a third financing request to a third company, but giving materially different

Anyone else wonder where the negative battery cable went?

I hope both parties actually see prison time AND get sued into poverty. Towing companies are the shadiest companies around.

“Companies are using invasive technology to violate the rights of our citizens in unthinkable ways,” Paxton said in a statement. “Our investigation revealed that General Motors has engaged in egregious business practices that violated Texans’ privacy

I was okay with it until “rust intrusion at the rear of the roof along the rain gutters,” and my no vote was solidified with “the carpet has been tossed.” The first indicates that this car’s inevitable death-by-tinworm has started, and the second confirmed that it is owned by a doofus. 

In case a graph is helpful.

The family should keep demanding more and more. OceanGate won’t be able to take the pressure!

Regardless of which side of the “political aisle” you sit on, it is wild to me that there is a large group of people who are simply unwilling to accept anything that could improve the environment.

just because something is the most affordable does not fundamentally make it affordable

Corporate America and I have radically differing ideas on what should be considered affordable. Radically different.

Stupidity knows no bounds with today’s yute’s:

A towing outfit named “Gotcha Towing” couldn’t possibly be an ethically challenged business.

You think mercenary tow truck drivers aren’t also MAGA idiots?  I would think that Venn Diagram is a plain circle.

I really hope that’s what actually happened.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

Who are bigger dirt bags? Mercenary tow truck drivers or MAGA idiots?

How are you doing? It’s amazing. It’s so amazing. We should send you into, I’ve always said get some of these guys. I have a lot of friends in that world. I don’t know. I think, isn’t Roger Penske, like, a great guy? The guy won 20 Indianapolis 500s. This guy (pointing to Childress) wins all the time. I mean, we

Sure this is a hard repair, but we shouldn’t let it shake us too much. After all, accidents like this are... An Edge case.

It’s because the treads match the shape/roofline of the CT itself. its like having 4 little pyramids surrounding a big central pyramid. Harmony in design. The lights are pretty cool too, certainly.