Pastor of Muppets

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

oh jesus CHRIST i am like 5 miles from this thing. somebody talk me out of buying this my wife is gonna kill me

It’s an article about a car. Owned by a dude famous for “driving” cars in bad movies. And famous for owning a racing team. And famous for dying in a famous car. I’m not sure why this article feels so out of place for you on an automotive blog. Just because it speaks about how he was also famous for having a preference

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.

I’m fully in favor of solar as part of an optimal energy mix, but we need to stop measuring the success of an energy source based on how much energy is produced. It needs to be based on how much energy is used. Measuring success based purely on produced energy completely ignores curtailment. For an extreme example, I

Saying a brain injury made you more conservative is not the flex you think it is.

Did “progressivism” leave him or did corporate, fascist money find him?

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

They probably stonewalled the fuck out of her and lied their asses off to cover up what is going on.

The cop who showed up summed up how little they care about actually doing anything about it when he said she had a good standing for a civil case. 

Obviously, selling the car was wrong. What’s weird to me is, how do they sell a car without a working transmission. And why would they have fixed the transmission if the warranty was no longer in force? (12,000 miles was the limit)

This is just theft, followed by sale of stolen goods.  The dealership owner ought to be sitting in a prison cell by now.  

How is this not theft? If I did this to a neighbor and their lawnmower I would be in prison within 3 days.

Are you serious?

Meanwhile, for a Mitsubishi mirage

I am very impressed by the police, they ran an operation called “Operation Hellcat Mike” for a year and caught someone known as “Hellcat Mike”. This shows imagination and dedication and a basic ability to match VIN numbers to license plates. Citations and promotion to all of those involved.

O.K., I have a related question: I have gone my entire 51 years of life without having an attorney on speed dial. I have of course employed their services when buying a house or doing estate planning, but that’s about it. Am I doing life wrong? Should I always have someone on retainer just in case I do something

Why should private mercenary “fleets” be allowed to exist at all?

May all of the neo-Confederates like Rock be inflicted with the dysentery and privation that killed so many of their treasonous role models during the Civil War.

Does this mean that a bunch of rednecks will stop seeing EVs as cultural genocide?