Pastor of Muppets

I weep for the pedestrians of India when near silent EVs make their way there

Sadly, it sure seems like they aren’t capable of fixing it, so what choice do we have?  ffs

I’ve never wanted a particular car more than right now

Ha, I should scroll further to see when people have already explained the thing

Maybe there’s never “no wind” out on the ocean?  I could see weather being quite different out there in general.

Have you considered the ambient temperature and humidity? That’ll definitely play a role

And nothing of value was lost

These suggestions all have two wheels too many

I’d hope the neighborhood isn’t united against him

Do you have any sympathetic neighbors?  I’m willing to bet whatever paperwork you got telling you to remove them is specific to your if they’re not at your address anymore....profit.

I didn’t buy one in 2008 because I found the driver’s seat to be uncomfortable

This country elected an overt bigot.  That any individual cares for others is by no means a safe bet

Consider this hypothetical. Townsville PD has 100 cops. 10 show up at a traffic stop. 1 kills the person pulled over in some awful way. Take your pick from recent history. As is custom, nothing happens to the 1 officer, or the 10 or the 100. How many bad apples are there in Townsville?

There’s clearly some kind of logo, and the lack of sleeves might give him away too

If you’re a fan of them, I highly recommend it as an addition to the bloody Mary recipe

I installed it. It’s not just one free game. They’re giving away stuff constantly. I paid for Phoenix Point and The Outer Worlds. The rest they were giving away. Maybe I’ll never play them, who knows. But it’s been of little inconvenience since I don’t have to have it running all the time anyway. 43 and counting free

The worst driver’s seat I’ve ever been in was a 08 or so Toyota, wait.  That’s worst new car seat.  Worst ever was the bench in a ford ranger.  Couldn’t be moved, too close to the pedals, and hard as a rock.  

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My wife bought a 1956 International Harvester Metro somethingorother to convert into a food truck, but bailed on the food side before we got that far into the conversion. A previous owner turned it into an RV, so instead of a cavernous back end, there’s a toilet/sink from a boat, two couches that fold into bunk beds,

But look at everything that’s outpaced inflation.  You can choose to not buy a car, but you can’t always choose to forgo medical care, for example.  If people have less money to spend because of the stuff above the rate of inflation, maybe cars should be somewhere down by computer software or TVs to get the same