Pastor of Muppets

holy shit I had no idea.  This is all I wanted.  

Agreed, maybe just remaster than. My gamecube bit the dust, and I’ve got the itch to play as Meeester Kennedy again

So....RE4 is next for a remake....right?  Please?  

I used to think that about gun control, but...

We’re advanced quite a bit, but we’ve also greatly increased geographic movement of people. I’m not sure which will have a greater effect.

Truth.  Trump’s Atlantic City casino is just sad

Perhaps, but it would have been less of a mess if we had something like a pandemic response team.

The answer is obvious. One right hand drive Miata, one left hand drive Miata.  

God damnit. If you’re right I’ll renounce my citizenship on the spot and... Fuck. Where would I go...

At this point, I’d give it all for that to be Warren, but I don’t think it’s terribly likely. Maybe if Bernie gets the nomination, but that might just be wishful thinking on my part.

I met a very chill Subaru salesperson back in 2014 when we were last car shopping

Neutral:The idea that a middleman is mandated by law has always been batshit crazy to me.  

If driving is hell, how does Uber help? You still have to sit there going nowhere

The funny thing is, this really isn’t that much red tape. This was foiled by a bare minimum of bureaucracy

Psst.  That’s Dust 2, not Dust.  

Don’t you vanna, vanna Vantas?

You’re a better person than I. I absolutely celebrate his illness, but I too hope he doesn't suffer. Rather, I hope it's a quick exit so that if someone does manage to cure lung cancer there won't be any downsides to it.

They go to not voting.  

I wonder if that makes heat dissipation a bigger issue