Quite the reaction by Jones’ dad at the top.
Quite the reaction by Jones’ dad at the top.
I was effectively given the family Caprice wagon when I was 17. It was about 10 years old at the time. When I left for college it was briefly my sister’s until my parents sold it to a taxi company to be a suburbs-O’Hare shuttle. Then halfway through college I got my dad’s old G20 (also about 10yrs old) when he got a…
It’s just sad
But then it wouldn’t have been a joke. It would have just been a true statement.
I agree that it’s BS...but who mentioned pit bulls? Was there a stealth edit to the article after the fact?
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truly the worst hump day
But not motorcycle listings? Whew, carry on then.
you monster
I guess I don’t see how this helps. Obviously the distinction between experiencing homelessness and just being homeless is something you consider important. But to those that look down on people in those circumstances, I don’t see this making a difference. Honestly it sounds like the sort of thing one of those…
That feels weird to me. If you go swimming do you experience wetness or are you wet? No wonder people hate learning English
Not PAX-specific, but don’t touch any doorhandles. Use your feet, wait for someone else to open it, whatever. I learned that from a friend who has a booth at GenCon every year.
This is all very reasonable
Try to move furniture
Just call him Mr. Sparkle
Double your pleasure, double your fun
I’d be on the market for the model three if my current car wasn’t still absolutely fine. In a few years I’ll be looking at anything like that, preferably with less touchscreen.
My wife and I took Amtrak from Chicago to San Francisco a few years ago. We got the Roomette. Food in the dining car was good. Very relaxing. The snow in the mountains was beautiful. If you’re not in a hurry to get wherever you’re going I highly recommend it. I’d do it again, given a lack of hurry.