I feel like “spice up your life” may have been bad advice as well
I feel like “spice up your life” may have been bad advice as well
Well have flying EVs any day now
Alas, I’m too far south to see it.
Easy come, easy go, little high, little low
This is what happens...when you find a stranger in the alps
I have no faith that I will get sufficient internet access for this before I'm too old to play videogames
Lololol. Now all Google needs to do is make it so I have an alternative to Comcast’s shitty cable internet. When’s that Google fiber getting here? When are they breaking that monopoly?
I want a shit ton of land, and to adopt every shelter animal available. Then I’m essentially a disney princess singing in a forest for the rest of my life
Thanks, I had no idea this was a thing. Is SNL funny again?
“There’s one undisputed worst Chris”
Would you like to play again?
You have selected...no
When do you actually find time to make your life better? I mean, you’re on here bitching and crying about black people posting shit every time I come here for a laugh. etc
Agreed. If I were his teammate I’d have given this guy a swift elbow to the face
Suppose one of his teammates comes in cleats first at that guy’s head and seriously messes him up. What’s the fallout from that? Genuine question, I know nothing about the laws over there.
Penultimate, isn't it?
And clearly there’s no possible way other than the wrong way we already tried. Sound logic.
I was a boy scout in the 90s. My troop’s meeting place was a church, but other than that and religious bits in the Scout’s Oath and Law, there was nothing religious about the experience. Granted, sample size of one, but I think the overall experience wasn’t really influenced much by the mormons
Maybe the question you should be asking is, why shouldn’t we strive to get every american into a home, regardless of their profession?
Do you really want our potential first contact with another intelligent life to be the lifeless husk of Joe Lieberman? I’m really not sure how that would go.