but how do you park not near a volcano on the big island?
but how do you park not near a volcano on the big island?
Every time one of these articles doesn’t include the Bob’s Burgers Mad Pooper song I die a little inside
I was always told a swan would fuck you up if you messed with it. Was that a lie?
My family’s been going there (Warrenville, IL) for decades, and they’ve been around since ‘59, cutting square pieces. As they don’t claim to have pioneered it, I can only assume it was a thing even before then.
This is much better than the joke I was going to make
I keep reading that as it requiring both surgery and a concussion
Polo-type shirts, I dunno, whatever, I don’t like polo-type shirts and don’t own any.
I dunno, lots of experience, but one could argue he’s learned very little on the journey
After my limited experience with VR-ish rides at Disney World and Universal Studios....hard pass. They’re not as bad as the Teacups, but god damn has my ability to not get sick not aged well.
Damn, that seems pretty open and shut. Hope they leave him destitute when it’s all said and done
What roles? I’m curious, this is the first I’ve heard of specifics.
I have a cat, I love Gin....
Maybe I have toxoplasmosis?
My first thought was “Bill and ___”
If you’re having issues with razor bumps, a good electric shaver could be a solution. I hear the Braun Series 7 is the bees knees, but it’s not cheap.
So, sentencing still to come?
They’d need to fix the roads first, then pay off the balance afterwards with the gas tax. Tax first, and people are getting screwed both ways. Either they bottom out in the not yet fixed holes, or pay through the nose for gas.
Neutral: What Would It Take To Get You To Ride A Harley-Davidson?
They would have to be