
The first person who buys that and actually takes it on a semi-serious off-road adventure will have my sincere respect.

Yes, every single Uber driver is an idiot that needs to be protected from themselves. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

2nd Gear: Wait, so the company with no realistic production plans claims that is lost 2 billion in sales based on the cosmetic appearance of competitor’s truck? Despite the fact that most of the design elements they claim as proprietary seem to be lifted right off 6-year old MAN streamlined prototype?

Coming to the store near you in the Spring (YEAR(TODAY())+2)!

Is there a dynamic crypto-offering for those of us who find that, if anything, even raw water is dangerously poop-deficient?

How stunned would everyone be if this “solution” had very substantial upfront costs and required frequent, expensive service? It’s not like we didn’t know how to treat exhaust gasses for a long time now, it has always been the question of how much we wanted to spend doing that.

Hey, if a monumental treason aiming to destroy the country that killed hundreds of thousands trying to keep millions enslaved is not worth celebrating via shitty motorcycles, then I just don’t know anymore.

Just open it up and show me the engine, dyno it, lap it, something.

Bounding rule: if whatever mode of transport you are using does not result in your head moving any faster or any higher than attainable by simply running/skipping along, you don’t need a helmet.

Just when you thought that this overwrought scam could not get more scammy....

The resent slew of “...of you dreams!” articles underscore the worrying overall shittiness of dreams among the staff. Is it possible to proscribe a club pack of antidepressants to a group, at once?

Two brothers, getting the fuel from the same source for their two separate companies? Lol. Let me guess, the regulations require multiple suppliers to prevent the department from being gauged, which led to this totally above board formation of a new company that just happens to be owned by the brother and re-selling deficits are no bad thing if they get you the what you need at the price you can afford to pay.

Before people complain about so-called hypociricy about supporting “States Rights” when it comes to not providing medical coverage or passable education but demanging conformity on things like pollution and telecom regulations:

I saw this cute girl on the Internet who obviously works in the bank, and I was trying to explain to her that “machine” in that phrase is redundant and besides her title should just be a teller or a banker anyway.

A kilogram of hydrogen weighs a lot less than a kilogram of air. It’s just science!

Building is, or can easily be, wired with high voltage cables. The back of the parking lot is not.

I got to wonder if he had those on. Because that could explain a few things: they will be trapping heat like crazy.

“...the EPA rating for this Ford Focus model...”

3 != S