
If someone jumps right in front of the car, human or autonomous, all the brake application will be post-collision. The still-missing details are the key here.

This unrealistic standard is actually highly detrimental to the society. If standard for technology acceptance is that is should be better then the best human drivers as opposed to merely “as good as”, then by refusing to deeply it you are leaving millions marginal-to-awful human drivers on the road and by extension

Right. So when someone stands on a sidewalk or at a bus stop and then takes a sudden step onto the roadway, what then?

Focusing on whether Herzberg stepped in front of the car sidesteps key, arguably more important questions that’s likely the focus of investigators: Why didn’t Uber’s technology catch Herzberg before it was too late and slow down? And why didn’t the safety operator at the wheel respond in time?

Yes, because no one gets shot in Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, etc etc.

Great write up. To the last paragraph, it’s not surprising because in command economy with idiological considerations, there are actually a lot less friction points/dissent which can result in impressive technological achievements at the expense of economic considerations. Tu-144 is a great example: it was spawned by

If you are dead-set on publicly destroying cars in a megalomaniacal show of force, why not have them be careful dismembered for parts in front of the crowd? Same effect, no chance of offenders re-purchasing the cars, much less waste.   

They just didn’t expect the Millenials to smash up all the roads with avocado toast cudgels.

An Earth-surface heat engine with 75% efficency would violate the laws of thermodynamics. I grantee you that the only way they arrive at this number (provided that they actually do have a working motor and not making stuff up) is by relying on “extreme compression” without accounting for the energy required to achieve

One-page satirical piece actually only single paragraph long due to excessive line spacing.

Probably neither but it looks, amazingly enough, that there may be more FF91 than Elios in existance.

When you are so wrapped up in partisanship as to be willing to side with an oppressive totalitarian government’s protectionist policies aimed at undermining American companies for the benefits of their state-owned enterprises and Communists Party coffers because “Drumpf!!1”.... you reeeeally might want to step back

Wait, so pointing out the fact that US producers have to endure tariffs in China makes you a piece of shit? Real eager to fill the coffers of Chinese government, aren’t we comrade?

Probably a 4-Cycle Straight Four Pulling Piston Engine but that’s just a guess.

1st gear: Tying executive compensation to shareholder value makes sense, to a point. It’s the simplest quid-pro-quo: if you make money for us by dramatically increasing the value of our assets, you will be well compensated. The danger lies in the fact that the pressure to boost stock price as opposed to core

The OPs post was pretty binery. Fun = manual.

If the amount of fun driving a well-sorted car without manual clutch manipulation out on a trwisty road is the same you can get on a lawnmower, that’s on you.

It’s funny. When a car goes not have an manual option, people cry about “choice” and how good “choice” it is. When the car comes exclusively with the manual, some users here lose their shit and bend themselves into pretzels justifying why excluding a lot of people from enjoying a certain car is just fantastic. In

If you can’t have fun driving a well-sorted car without manual clutch manipulation, that’s on you.

1) My understanding of Rimac is that they are actually an automotive technology company with car business being really a side venture/tech demonstrator. They operate on entirely different scale/different purpose than Tesla.