
Why don’t you spam this fantasy scenario based on the edgiest of all corner cases another 25 times to really convince everyone you are not trolling?

Author of “Tesla Deathwatch” and human TSLAQ soundboard is just really very concerned about the ethics in automotive journalism.

Fanbois gonna fanboi, but as someone who had friends lose their job when the orderbook at company I was working for got wiped out by competitor releasing a series of mind-blowing (and utterly BS) demo videos, I’d say it goes a little beyond that. This type of (alleged) fraud can potentially have huge financial

I am sure. He/She then came back all giddy. “Holy shit guys, they got NOTHING. They will have to buy EVERYTHING from us. We can ask for whatever terms we want and they will have to take them and smile! This is great!”


800 word blog about a harmless joke is “valid criticism”?

The war memorial makes no statement about the “start” of WW2. It literally says: “Eternal glory to heroes fallen in battles with German-Fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union, 1941-1945" Those are the only dates that make sense in the context of that dedication, seeing there weren’t

I am not going to begrudge someone spending that kind of money on a toy, (as long as it’s actually hard-earned and not stolen from some public treasury) because let’s face it, many cool cars we admire that are in the same price range are just toys as well. And I get the art/expert craftsmanship part of creating a

That’s how you get car syphilis.

That is incorrect. Re-read the promissory note and/or consult an attorney. The default is not “built in”, it’s a material breach.

Not. Have you actually read an automotive loan agreement? The contract states that you will repay the lender, with interest, in the agreed upon timeframe or sooner the principle borrowed. Failing to comply with the terms will be, quite literally, you defaulting on your obligations. You still owning the balance and all

Yes, because you still broke a signed contract with the lender forcing the lender to take possession of the property. The only benefit to you could be them having to just send a normal tow truck Vs hiring a repossession specialist which might save you a couple of hundred dollars when they send you the bill for the

I was really looking forward to reading the article when I saw it, but in the iPhone in Safari the slow-loading, half-screen ADs every two lines (10 ads and promos!) made it unbearable. It did give me a couple of ideas where Indian marketing department can shove their baggers though. 

Mustache rides are... (checks notes) ... 300 million dollars.

Bloggers in 1989: zero buying power.

If you are wondering WTF happened to Boeing, once a shining star of Aerospace, please take a moment to read this:

Performance/sports car -> strong, consistent braking -> large rotors and calipers -> big wheels.

The gulf between asking people requesting special accommodation to provide some documentation that they actually need special accommodation and interracial marriage prohibitions is about 12 parsecs and the attempts to draw the most tenuous of connections between reasonable documentation requirement and and Civil

When Tesla offered $1000 deposits on Model 3, the entire TESLAQ (of which Charley might as well be a card-carring member) went apoplectic: You see, since the whole thing was a sham and Tesla had no intentions of actually delivering on any of the orders (bankwupcy tomorrow!) it was clearly a fraud, the Model 3 was

This was actually pretty terrible. The first point was to cover the drivetrain torque multiplication... but then he stopped at that? I was waiting for the second half of the “point”, where he would was going to cover the prime mover output torque for electic motors (enormous) vs Zero-low RPM (not great by comparison)