
I think the key question is, are there enough actual assets there for any serious player to be interested, or is it just a stack of marketing brochures, plastic mock-ups and PowerPoint presentations?

EVs are nowhere close to being the biggest source of waste batteries and those cells when designed right will last for many years.

So the solution to multiple issues is a full-blown serial hybrid:

Nonono, a Subterranean Tunnel Transport Network for Electric Passenger Vehicles with Maybe Rails, or NAMBLA for short.

Considering the fact that “Distilled H20 at 15 degrees Celsius and one 101 kPa: Wet?” poll was only 83% to the affirmative before being derailed by a shouting match about patriarchy, this is pretty good.

The 126MPGe figure was tempered somewhat by the new EPA rule mandating all electricity used for charging EVs be produced exclusively via a 55%/45% mix of baby whale oil/giant sequoia heartwood starting next year.

Here is what really happened vis-a-vis “designer physically ill anecdote”:

Bolt is an.... interesting looking car that has had a very gradual roll-out this year. It’s also the only semi-practical (200 mile range) electric car available at wildly accessible price point ($30-$40k). “Nobody is buying EVs*” because, quite frankly, there are almost no EVs to buy. To make any inference about EV

Doesn’t look like the driver was deciduous enough to leave the scene.

Well, that makes perfect sense. Alfa-Romeo Giulia is an unreliable POS while Alpha Romero Gulia is high quality vehicle worthy of many accolades. Excelsior!

Initially, I was completely taken aback by this secret identity of mysterious automotive CEO, but “Mergio”just kept spinning in my head. “Mergio... mergi-o....merge... obsessed with merging... Of course!!!”

The weed smoker’s paradise persists for about a week until microwaveable burritos/clean underwear/weed money runs out.

How will this market look in 3-5 years? Toyota’s problem is not lack of any “real” EVs on the market, it’s the lack of anything in the pipeline in any significant stage of development. Both GM and VW has massive EV development programs.

Lol, invest only in profitable companies is “investment 101”? Because every successful company in existence today has been profitable from Day 1?

With pure direct sales, there is no such thing as MSRP. MSRP is completely artificial construct, a number picked by manufacturer (oftentimes with heavy-handed “advice” from retailers) with a substantial enough markup above the factory or wholesale invoice as to make it attractive for retailers to carry the product.

Yes, because the forces opposing wind farms on the environmental grounds are like, super genuinely concerned about all living creatures are totally are not killing millions of people and animals every year.

Stores, galleries, referral programs.

Because if you pay unfireable union subway managers a dime under $300,000 a year, they will all instantly quit to go manage all those private sector subways while the mentally deficient drags dumb enough to try and do these jobs for only, say, $200,000 a year pittance will instantly set the whole system on fire while

Does it work? I am trying to find some in-depth write-ups of original Roadster track session to see if they ever overcame thermal issues. Their current production lineup is deeply effected by them.