
Doing it for 30 minutes was in reference to a track session. Model S/X rapidly overheating and thermal throttling was easy to shrug off since they were not designed for that kind of use. An electric supercar/Ferrari competitor/insert superlative is not going get away with that. Someone please correct me, but I didn’t

There is only one thing that’s missing, but it’s key: thermal management. Getting road-going electric cars to do snap necks at launch or even hadle great (due to low Center of gravity and super-precise torque vectoring) are solved engineering problems. Getting them to do that for 30 min straight without overheating

Yeah, this is clearly a Rdstr.

“Anti-corruption campaign” is an exciting new re-branding of “mass wealth redistribution from one elite to another” now that term “revolution” is no longer in vogue.

No design? There is a plastic slab and a glass slab! Contrast and shit.

Well, I don’t see her sleeping on his bed, so draw your own conclusions....

What do you think the life expectancy of the server storing the bodycam footage is?

That’s the exact application where BEVs have by far the biggest advantage over ICE trucks.

One thing that often gets overlooked when it comes to electronic motors is that while high off the line torque is nice, the extremely adaptable traction control is half the magic. It’s not just about sending goobs of tongue to the wheels, it’s about sending the absolute maximum amount you can without breaking traction.

OMG are you me? Just today I was catching up on ostacruiser videos and ended up falling down Sherp youtubehole.

You don’t understand. Once the news (like a new study/report/natural event/whatever) happens, whichever content aggregator first links to it “owns” it forever, regardless of what (in anything) they themselves contributed in form form of summary/analysis/etc. There this automatic notification system that immediately

What are you talking about, there is a solid 1, maybe even 1.5mm of clearance there!


Few points:

It just needs a few modifications and it’s production-ready!

You know what is even easier then adding cryogenic tank , massive compressor and specialized fueling dispenser to and existing gas station?

Lol, the “big ones” were sending corporate secret police to people’s homes and straight up shootings into the crowds for many decades of their existence.

Road tax should be assessed for pound-miles charged upon registration renewal(vehicle weight * miles traveled in assessment period * rate) and dedicated 100% to road maintenance. There are many reasons one might want to tax fuel but road maintenance should not be one of them, besides in many states it ends up leached

It’s a symbol of peace!

I am confused, according to earlier media reports 116% of all millennial would never buy any car, period, having decided to permanently forgo automotive transportation in favor of free-range avocado toast.