
One step closer to solar-powered, subterranean, electric-propelled spaceship.

I guess I can’t say one way or the other; from personal experience just like with anything else I found that most utility workers are courteous but a few can be assholes. I had a large chunk of my tree once cut without permission because they were trying to fix a problem on my neighbors property and despite the fact

He feared for his life!


Absolutely... GM should have at least created a EV subbrand. God knows Bolt has enough going agains it; there is not much cachet in “Chevy that looks like an late-term aborted Grand Caravan, also electric”.

This is not the first of what will undoubtedly be hundreds and hundreds of instances of drivers wrecking their Teslas ether through mundane mistakes or mind-numbing recklessness and trying for “The car did, I SWEAR!” line of excuse.


Yeah, if only there existed other cars besides a mid-size family sedan and Alfa. Perhaps some day an exciting car that is also mechanically sound will come along and finally break us out of this Gulia-Camry binary hell.

20-something encounteres the concept of re-paying money owed, is outraged, confused. Nerves calmed with a a bit of vine, glass left resting on a makeshift coaster made from a large stack of unopened past-due notices from the student loan servicer.

Is it my imagination or could it be that about 3 times a week a Jalopnik writer stumbles into the office at 11:30 with a poorly disgusted hangover and slightly re-arrange the words in someone else’s article blogs super-hard about how subways are just the worst, you guys! I at the station at 7 am! Damn you, trains,

“Have fun with range anxiety, plugging in at night and all that other bullshit.”

I am saying it has the same-old Ecoblobular look everyone but Tesla has been sticking their EVs with so far and image-conscious people who buy crossovers for looks are by and large going to bypass something that looks like a 2010 Dodge minivan born 3 months prematurely.

After thinking for a second as to which of his Hypercars and high-end Teslas he was going to move out of the garage in favor of mid-size, mid-tier answer to Toyota Camry and Ford Fusion, Musk shrugged his shoulders and put the car up on Craigslist.

Well, it’s RWD car AND doesn’t look like this...

Is it just me or does it appear that the visibility out of that thing is going to be rolling bunker/Camaro awful?

He is automatically attracted to advanced spacecraft— just starts touching them, it’s like a magnet. Just touching. Doesn’t even wait. Grabs it by the Forward Bay Cover.

Don’t worry, City Hall is on top of it.

This is terrible! Toyota employs ~42,000 workers in NA, with it losing “25% of its American workforce” that means over 10,000 people are being laid off.