
It’s exactly what every fan says to male athletes about autographs and pictures though... “we pay your salary”. I usually don’t buy that Gawker snark about how Jeze’s are nutso feminists, but this is a case of just ignoring the millions of times something like this happens to men in order to make it about misogyny.

Is it basically just a sliding scale that you are allowed to take pictures of anyone more successful than you?

You know that most of the south switched parties in between 1964 and 1968, right? These are both basic US history facts, so it would be super sad if you only knew one of them.

This is what made the old fashioned playoffs mandatory viewing. There were good, tough series every round, often among teams that already saw a lot of each other. Basically Barry’s complaint is that all the series are competitive and good. Poor Barry.

I don’t watch much basketball, but I get the feeling that LeBron and Green on the same defense could pitch a shutout regardless of who their 3 teammates are.

Someone once stepped on the moon on TV. I think that’s probably more unique that a college kid smoking dope and then getting drafted (like Marino, Sapp, Mathieu, and I dunno, about a thousand other guys have).

Don’t forget, he also says what everyone else is thinking...

Bucky Fucking Dent!

Do you think PEDs are more harmful to players than blocking or getting tackled is to football players? If not, I’m not sure why fans or management should care at all.

It’s a hack. Under federal law it’s a hack. If you ask an IT professional, it’s a hack.

Not just the colloquial sense. Using someone else’s accounts without their permission or using for purposes other than the permissions you were granted, no matter how, is sufficient for federal charges. It’s an overbroad law, but it’s on the books currently and I’m pretty sure it’s reasonable to use the legal

How is this still gray with 40 stars?

I assume you’re talking about Big Ben’s syphilis.

Under Federal law (which is really outdated on loosely written on teh subject) basically any use of someone else’s computer or accounts without permission is prosecuted as “hacking”. That’s why Aaron Schwartz was looking at 30 years for downloading journal articles.

Read about his stepdad. He’s suing the Tunsil, and Tunsil beat him up for allegedly hitting his mother. Of course if you want money from someone in court, you really shouldn’t undercut their earning potential, but usually abusive husbands aren’t brilliant people.

It has to be the stepfather that’s suing him (and who he beat up for allegedly hitting his mom), right?

You’re missing a huge distinction with respect to chattel slavery. You don’t own your indentured servants children.

Work out the other 50 minutes?

It occurred to me that what they put on TV is basically what the Gawker comments (and Deadspin’s, to a lesser degree) have become.

As largely figments of Stormfront’s imagination. At least as relates to the Irish. I’ve heard this bullshit brought up a number of times, but it’s usually either people trying to be deceitful or misunderstanding what indentured servitude is. In either case, there were not Irish slaves in the US. As a descendant of