@2 replies: Wait...did you really put Meth and LSD in the same category?
@blehbleh13: If you're in a state that has medical pot and you're still buying from highschoolers, you may want to rethink things.
@helloscreen: Wait....who ever said anything about addiction? This is what I don't get from the anti-drug crowd in general, but about pot it's even more absurd: Why can someone enjoy booze or cigs "responsibly" but the minute anyone mentions any other drug being used to enhance an evening or relax, they become an…
@Ruiz: The video comparison where iOS loads engadget one second faster than Android 2.2, is the video where Flash is enabled on Android, and obviously not enabled on iOS.
Porsche 911
@matt_mcmhn: agreed. she's pretty much what the term "Stupid Untalented Twat" was coined for.
@RaindropBebop: Totally disagree. It had a great premise, but the extended, bad music overlay slow motions shots of "Oh hey, yeah, we're smoking pot AGAIN!" in it got old after the first one and I believe there were 3 or 4. The whole "You just got blasted by a DAIWOO" or whatever was awesome though. Just less of…
@RaindropBebop: Totally disagree. It had a great premise, but the extended, bad music overlay slow motions shots of "Oh hey, yeah, we're smoking pot AGAIN!" in it got old after the first one and I believe there were 3 or 4. The whole "You just got blasted by a DAIWOO" or whatever was awesome though. Just less of…
@bslayerw: Yup, been a part of your culture since the....lets see....oh, yeah, the 1990's! That's a fad that won't die, not culture. It would be like if Kid and Play were still making "House Party" movies here in the states and everyone went on opening night and claimed they were the best movie every time.
@pastor.allan: The first half or 2/3 of the movie is awesome. The last bit, with them on the balloon/dry land, sucked. I'm a post apocalyptic nut, though.
@kidfromkor: If you don't have an overworked DVR/search bar OR are without a pc attached to your tv, then no. If you do, say, have no cable but have an Acer REVO attached to your tv that you download everything to and watch directly from there, then yes. Sure, it comes with a mini bright white keyboard and wireless…
@YellowRex: I work for a company that has an "open office" setup. Bright colors on random walls, cornhole set up in the office for quick games during breaks, two large dogs running around most days and we all have little half desks so the entire office can pretty much yell back and forth with each other (which we…
@StupidPopMediaReference: Well, if it's the FISH you're paying for, that changes everything!
@StupidPopMediaReference: I'd rather have my g/f do the same thing. Paying for it is pathetic, and I'm friends with two pro-dommes who share some great stories proving that statement.