
Another tip, find a local high end pizza chain that sells dough. Around Detroit, Kruse and Muer restaurants have fantastic (but pricey) pizza. They will sell the frozen dough balls if you ask, as well as the house sauce and such. Makes for great pizza and sometimes in a pinch you can get stuff that's been rising

I'm moving out with my g/f in two weeks and we already have money set aside for the REVO based on lfiehacker's stories. This is awesome and epic. Thank you.

@kityglitr: I'm with you. It may be 'sushi' but if it's not fish, I'm not making it/eating it. The whole reason I eat sushi is for the fish and taste. Plus, I have an awesome Japanese grovery (Noble Fish, Clawson, Mi) that provides a lot of the shushi fish to the local sushi restaurants as well. Not too expensive

@cruud: I buy Goodyear blades from costco for about 8 bucks a blade, which is what the cheap, non constant presure ones from Target or Auto Supply places cost. I'll never go back to the older style multi pressure points instead of the one solid curved blade ones after switching last year. So much nicer, very few

@YouGotNOTHIN: Notice I said so-called. I live in Detroit, party in Chicago and am part of the Burning Man set (camped next to MAPS in 2005 and listened to a lot of the talks). I lived in Bmore for a couple years as well, promoting. Again, in over 10 years using the stuff, I've never heard BOPS for MDMA. I'm sure

@YouGotNOTHIN: Um...I've been involved with so called hard drugs for over 10 years and I've never heard BOPS as a slang term for MDMA. Care to enlighten me? Googling BOPS Ecstasy doesn't bring anything either.

@UnderLoK: Yes and no. I'm loving the bad economy, but then I have a full time job and a second job for another 5-20 hours a week. I'm going to be buying a house next year for around 50K which will be around 1500sqft, 3 br, basement and garage. I can go into almost any local bar/restaurant and find a 5 dollar beer

I've always wanted a late winter wedding or early spring one. Cheaper prices, and so much less going on. Nothing worse then having to miss a great camping trip or feistval during the summer because some friend decided to get married on a summer weekend. I never want to plan my wedding on a day that's going to be a

I disagree with the adaquate battery comment. We have an animal vacuum in our house that also is home to a St Bernard and Rottie. We vacuum twice a week and empty the cannister every time. I'd love the handheld to have either A) about a half hour worth of battery juice at full power or B) about 15 minutes worth of

I disagree with the adaquate battery comment. We have an animal vacuum in our house that also is home to a St Bernard and Rottie. We vacuum twice a week and empty the cannister every time. I'd love the handheld to have either A) about a half hour worth of battery juice at full power or B) about 15 minutes worth of

@metaslugx: I'd rather pay the 48 dollars a year for slacker radio. I never get that annoying msg of "Here's some music that sounds like "abc band", but due to our lack of licensing we can't actually play "abc band".

@DonLuc: It's a fun place to wander around in. I have some great shots of 20 foot high grafetti tags, including one from a local guy VOMIT that it 20-30 feet high, ten feet off the ground, one letter on each of the five main pillars in the main room.

@whats_in_a_name: You're right, except for the 3rd floor part. There's room up to about 7 or 8. Maybe 5, but definately past 3. 3 is only where you go out on the roof of the front part. There's also a full room vault/safe with the door intact on one of the last floors before construction stopped. I hid from cops in

I actually just helped finish a pizza oven this past weekend. A couple friends built a convection based oven out of cob, fire bricks and local clay in Lakota, MI. We did it on the grounds of the Willow Ranch, home to the Michigan Peace Festival. Our group of Chicago/Detroit/Toronto Burning Man participants hosted

You think the catalog is bad? You should see the store.

Oh, more fool who has to ruin the day for all of us who work along Woodward.