
Header image made me laugh - nicely played, Robert.

"Venus was at its peak brilliance last night. You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus, but I assure you, it was Venus."

Yeah... I wonder where I've seen this before...

Global pandemics are not really sci-fi, sadly. HIV/AIDS and H1N1 both qualify. So I say moonbase. Unless we exclude current pandemics. Then it's pandemics.


Sorry kids! Your reality is not appropriate for your age. Best of luck with that, though.

That'd be *craaaaaazy.*

I agree with you in the case of monopolies, but having the most convenient store doesn't give anyone a monopoly. Consumers still have a choice - they could go to the second-closest store, for example.

Methinks it's time for Battlefield: Earth to start planning the parade route.

This right here. Thanks for posting it. I put off playing this game, hoping that BioWare would fix the face importing bug (which I'm still cranky about, truth be told). Anyway, I got to finishing the game, but I had to avoid spoilers for about a week. I was really dreading what I'd find at the end of the game, and

And now I'm replying to myself to test the conversion.

I didn't say that it did (see what I said to byeLH?) - I'm just saying that it insulates Gawker from those stupid users because Gawker can't be the source of the lost passwords. It does so by inconveniencing the rest of us, I agree with you.

Thanks Adam, I've sent some details to the tech guys.

That's undoubtedly true. It doesn't do much to help secure users at all. But it does keep Gawker safe in the sense that they can't be held accountable for data breaches of this sort (because they no longer host the data.)

I just logged back in with my old username/password for now.

The problem is the people that use the same email address/password combo for everything they do online. Back when gawker was hacked, those people were left needing to reset passwords all over the place.

So far I've tried to do this with a gmail account and a twitter account. It doesn't look like I'm "converting" anything - rather, I get logged in, alright, but I have no comments, star, different screen name, etc.

Yeah, that's really more in response to the article I was reading to figure out why there was no push. Anyway, it looks like there's a way to get around/work around/resolve/fix the issue, for folks who like the app and also want push, but you have to be jailbroken (oh, and it "makes music stop after closing the Music

Well good sir/madam, at this point I'm going to have to agree to disagree. Semantics is all well and good, but between the follow-up sentences in the initial post, and my subsequent clarification (which you seem to have ignored) I'm pretty sure I've been clear enough.

ME3 anime stars the worst character in the entire series, huh? Why stop there?