See, now that's funny.
See, now that's funny.
Sorry. I was being a bit facetious, in that Marcus' death is a bit of a double whammy. He dies, for a character who is almost immediately written out. Trying to be lighthearted.
And *then* the actor playing the character you couldn't care less about declined to return to (or was fired from) season 5.
Hmm, I don't know. I enjoyed it well enough when it came out. I think it doesn't quite manage to achieve what it wants to, but I don't think that makes it shitty.
Never understood this criticism of Kirk's death. He died saving 250 million people. That's not *big* enough for some of you?!?
My wife always falls asleep first. She's totally the dude in our relationship.
Also, Tim Thomas will no longer share a team bus with Lucic, Pouliot, Paille, or Thornton.
I know what you mean. The things you mentioned plus 6 identical meals a day... I feel like a jerk for making fun.
Listen, I'm no devout Apple fan-zombie. Now please join me on a 6000-word paean to all things Apple.
"you are fighting a steep, uphill battle to keep your computer running as well as the day you purchased it"
Can't wait for this to download. Awesome.
It's never OK.
"Aww. I was really hoping for another three movies like the prequels," said nobody ever.
Also, it appears to have balls. Just sayin'.
"A few things can be taken from this fisticuffs festival outside a Jack-in-the-Box somewhere out there."
Well played.
No kidding. Some people really don't get a fair shake.