This stinks like click-bait.
This stinks like click-bait.
Except the focus/convergence issue isn't pseudoscience, and even this author admits it.
@Angry Robot: Bear's version of watchtower is my ringtone!
@lostarchitect: You aren't alone, you're just less vocal.
@Craig Michael Ranapia: Nicely done.
@PulpZero: That's the point where the fanboyism goes off the rails, for me.
@JennaW: But Neo keeps coming back over and over. Trinity too I think. The Architect says the difference in the last run through is that Neo chooses to save Trinity instead of Zion, right?
@markedward: I always pretend that's where they went with Revolutions.
George, George, George. Until Han shoots first, the answer is always going to be "No thanks."
@CrispyAardvark: I sprayed my coffee all over my non-minimalist workspace. Well bowled.
This boy will be hearing from PETA shortly.
Call me when they make caffeinated whisky-in-a-can.
@JRock: Don't forget to tell as many people as you can that you don't even *have* a car anymore, and of course you don't miss it one little bit even.
@lankist: They are probably busy with other stuff, like that whole "being plastic surgeons" bit!
@drjayphd: Now With Hot Gossy Action!: I see you've played sink-y bowl-y before...
@morodrim: The only "unmistakable" slant in the article is that it is anti-torture.
"Just don't try to use it while holding it with one hand."
@thomwong: I saw this last year (in Cowtown) too.
@SeraphX2: Sure. Without going all wikipedia, I know that the bible contains 2 different and contradictory versions of the 10 commandments, gives at least one erroneous value for pi, that Joseph (Mary's husband) has two different fathers, and that Jesus has 3 different "last words." I mean, there are more, but that's…