
If these fancy PC makers could ever bring themselves to build something that didn't look like two transformers raping the Enterprise I might look at buying something like this...

This sucks...

I like to take them apart and play with the magnets, but Jason is right when he calls them "super-powerful." I have inadvertently drawn blood with them in the past.

I really like Caprica, but I thought the pilot was pretty dull.

I can relate - bedtime and showers are often the only quiet moments of a busy day. That said, I don't get when people talk about their phone like it is non-optional. Keep your phone in your pocket, or leave it at home even!

A handy way to side-step the allergy issue is to use air-popped popcorn (unbuttered, natch).

@kayfouroh: That made me laugh more than it should have. 2 internet points for you.

@bowen13: Whoa, rainbows now? I mean Pluto I can handle, but c'mon.

@Atillo: I don't think that word means what you think it does.

@VyseTheQuick: The "truth" is that you are repeatedly claiming something that is demonstrably false. Enjoy your strawmen.

The best part of this photo isn't even the boobies, it's the happy happy faces of everyone in the crowd. Boobs make people *happy*!

@VyseTheQuick: That's the 3rd time you've made essentially the same comment. Which would be fine except there are plenty of Mohammad flash games and a two second google would tell you as much.

@Seraphna: I think the "child's play" is what he was getting at.

Hmm. I prefer my "object thrown by spaz with no motor skills" videos to end with someone being hit in the balls.

@ilos: I think you've over-reacted a little bit, although I get what you are saying about people who want to deflate a work for no clear reason.

Hive: A place swarming with activity.

@Purdueable: Why not forget the bottle and use this with wine in a box, like a giant Tetra-Brik.