@CarbonatedFalcon: A super flu that kills almost everyone sounds like "The Stand."
@CarbonatedFalcon: A super flu that kills almost everyone sounds like "The Stand."
@Steve Williams: That's hysterical! Nicely done.
@Koztah: Except that Quebec has funny laws in place regarding language, specifically that they require french versions of packaging, instructions, warranties etc. I don't know how that would impact Netflix but it might mean they won't be allowed to sell their service in Quebec.
@Joshua L Lewis: Another Harmony user here. I have to say that if someone can't work the "Watch TV" macro button or whatever, they are simply not trying.
@jbouklas: So the point is you think that one Verizon employee going to another Verizon employee's house to demand the return of Verizon company property should elicit the same amount of outrage as *the police* entering the home of a member of a news organization and seizing his four computers and two servers at the…
@jbouklas: Those situations are hardly analogous though, are they?
@jbouklas: Yeah, Apple really never catches a break around these parts.
@jayhawk11: If I were an iPhone 4 owner I would want the "piling on" to continue until the problem was addressed. Not dismissed with a software tweak, but actually fixed.
@Ursus-Veritas: Outnerding the /nerdingout!
@Wade McGillis: This comment is utterly baffling. Is this really what you think? I wonder what Nicholas Copernicus would say about how pro-science Christianity was in the 1500s.
@Shinta: So you aren't asking for freebies, you just want this DLC to cost 12 cents. That seems reasonable.
Does emailing me, and then phoning me (or worse, coming into my office) to tell me you emailed me, count?
Does emailing me, and then phoning me (or worse, coming into my office) to tell me you emailed me, count?
@lurkerbynature: I disagree but I can see why you think this.
@twointum: Yes.
@Islandkiwi: That's what I thought too. It's also the only way it makes sense that the machines have to drill down to Zion to destroy it every time. Otherwise they should just use the tunnels from before.
@ThursdayNext: Because if you could see what you were texting, it would look like that hick who brought his Xbox to starbucks a few posts down.
@Gh0stKiller: I was going to suggest going this route. Just mock the ever-loving shit out of the movie. Before, during, for weeks afterwards. I mean be vicious.
@CarbonatedFalcon: This makes sense to me. Wouldn't ordinary mainstream christian folk get their sci-fi the same place everyone else does?
I'm tired of alternate me lording his cowboy hat over *me* me.