In addition to this, we could start to redesign our cities and create decent transit systems so not everyone has to drive, unless they want to.
In addition to this, we could start to redesign our cities and create decent transit systems so not everyone has to drive, unless they want to.
This logic doesn’t make sense. You don’t need that many people to maintain/build these things, unless you need one person for every truck that exists. Which you wouldn’t.
I find it incredible how fast Trump supporters went to become HUGE Russia supporters recently.
There is a good piece on the extensive nature of Russia’s massive soft power campaign to spread disinformation and other intimidation techniques like this because they can’t keep up with US military spending:
Yes, if only those pesky women and minorities had stayed in their place, amirite? /s
Oh look a libertarian piece of garbage who hasn’t known a day of hardship. Fuck off.
Yes. They need to leave the fucking WH and not come back. Just report on what stupid shit they’re doing without the benefit of WH being able to spin it.
Great company to be in New York! Should we outlaw blowjobs too?
Here are some people that are way better than I am being forcibly removed from Mitch “Spineless coward” McConnell’s office:
If you’re towards the center of the blast it ain’t the worst way to go.
What the fuck is this obsession with speed on Jalop? Speed might not kill in the case of everyone driving perfectly safe on a specific road, but factor in conditions, other drivers, and the presence of pedestrians and bicyclists and speed absolutely kills.
I’m sure black people care so much about what you think
You cherry picked examples while leaving out examples where the more progressive dem lost in red areas. Like Zephyr Teachout losing by 7 points.
Yes, I do want welfare. A strong social safety net is not just the right thing to do morally, but it is good for the economy and the country as a whole. Thanks for clarifying that for everybody.
No, they don’t. Moving to win elections is among the dumbest of takes. Democrats need to learn to talk to people and tailor their message to the district they’re running in. Ossoff’s remarks about a livable wage sound nice but they mean jackshit to the wife of a middle-manager who thinks being poor is a moral failing.…
Greater freedom for people, except the poors of course.
What the fuck does smaller government even mean? I keep hearing it but nobody can articulate it.
Yes lady, you should shoot yourself. Please do.
You must not know very many people who can afford a 100k car if you think they would necessarily have an expansive vocabulary.
I don’t really care where other people live, and I’ve lived other places I really liked too. But the original post asked for reasons, so people started giving reasons. A few of them were understandably defensive, I guess.