Justice Rains From My Butt

I mean, this thread literally started out as “why would anyone choose to live in NYC?” And when people started giving responses people like you got offended. I dunno dude.

I’ve lived in other cities too. I used to live in Minneapolis, rated a fairly walkable city, and Chicago, probably closest to New York in terms of size/density. There just isn’t another city where it is as easy to get along without a car as it is in New York. This isn’t really disputable. You can definitely get on

Because it’s the only city in the country where you can truly easily not have to drive everywhere. I realize I’m on a car blog, and I do like cars but the idea of driving to work everyday, sitting in traffic, living in some detached single family home in the middle of no where sounds awful to me. I like being able to

Why would put big lawn on this list as if that that is a good thing? What the fuck is with people and their fucking lawns?

Why would this be an incentive to stop funding terrorism? If anything they now know they can fund terrorism AND get cool fighter jets from the US. Your logic here makes zero sense.

That healthcare legislation will result in millions losing access to healthcare. It is actually super simple. If you support it, you are a terrible, garbage human being. I personally know people who would likely die.

I’m sure it is getting lots of coverage there. My criticism is of the US media’s coverage. When the attack in London happened the NY Times had the story front and center for at least a few dies. Dozens of people die (probably) at the hands of greedy corporate landlord and apparently that is less newsworthy, because it

Bears, raccoons and humans are all basically the same species when it comes right down to it. Omnivorous, opportunistic hammock-dwellers.

White suburban jury I’m sure. What the actual fuck.

I’m amazed (not really) how quickly this fell out of the news cycle. If it had been a terror attack in London it’d still be getting massive coverage.

Just to rain on this parade a lil’: A lot of people take in wild animal babies because they think they are abandoned, but in fact are not and the parent(s) have left them strategically to go find food for themselves and the baby.

I always knew this guy was garbage but whenever I see his name pop up he manages to make himself seem even worse.

Also it closes at night. What the fuck is up with that?

Why yes moving to the edge of a corn field Fuckville, Ohio and not being able to found work in the stagnant rust belt economy sounds awesome.

You hear that? That’s the point whizzing over your at 35,000 feet.

I mean, this is all literally true for every nation on the planet.

Your link confirms exactly what I said:

Oh give me a break. bernie pays his interns $12 an hour, below the $15 an hour he advocates for minimum wage.

Zephry Teachout lost by 9 points in a rural NY district. No one should have been surprised. She was an activist scholar from Manhattan with little to no connections to the rural district she was running in. She was abosolutely the wrong choice for that race.

For the vast majority of people car camping over a weekend Coleman is just fine. It isn’t that expensive and despite what you say the quality is decent on most of their products for that price point.

For the vast majority of people car camping over a weekend Coleman is just fine. It isn’t that expensive and despite