Justice Rains From My Butt

I think that’s what bothers me about the reaction by many people. Even after they gave a sincere and thoughtful apology and are removing the sculpture admitting that they fucked up, many activists are still jumping on them and calling them horrible people. It’s just an angry mob at this point.

Haha yeah he didn’t post that.

I think the convoy of trucks in the trailer was kind of a nod in the “religious extremists kinda suck regardless of religion” direction. I’ve been thinking for years they should do a game set in the US, I thought it was odd they were always set overseas in places Americans stereotypically think of as unstable.

I’m sure what that standard is or what it means, but I don’t think it necissarily means we’re better than other animals.

people know they are better than any other animal.

Oh no worries it has already started. And it’s hilarious.

I dunno, it hasn’t been problem for millions who think about what they say before they say it in a very public forum.

I mean people who do that suck. Not sure how that makes a person using the term white trash to describe something okay?

The term “white trash” is classist as fuck tbh.

Keep dreaming bud. Even if it were that easy to get rid of the EPA, our joke of a president and laughably inept GOP legislative majority wouldn’t have the capability.

This dude is one of the huge reasons Trump still has a fairly large number of supporters.

You, as many Americans are now realizing, understand the American governement is super fucking broken and one of the two major parties that run the country has zero regard for the wellbeing of the people as whole. I have no doubt Germany has a better more secure democracy then the US does currently.

“Ancap Safety” on the car that kills its occupants is apt.

About time. Drivers literally get away with murder in this city.

The Northeast has encouraged a rebound in bear population which is good, but they haven’t taught residents to learn to live with bears, which is bad. Food sources like garbage cans need to be secured. People should be scaring bears off when they approach them. Bears become a problem only when they are too accustomed

If some asshole who works for the state of Connecticut was sticking pieces of plastic in my ear I’d want brownies too.

Defamation suits. Anyway, it was the Gators.

Language aside, there is a naked man stradling a dead shark in the above photo.

Oh fuck off.

Yes, I’m sure he would have.