The pattern here seems to be Trump fucks up, Trump fires other people for his fuck ups.
The pattern here seems to be Trump fucks up, Trump fires other people for his fuck ups.
I don’t want to make it seem like I’m defending the state or the oil company, but small spills like this this really do happen every day, not just with oil companies, but in any industry that deals with quantities of oil/fuel. It probably didn’t even occur to anybody in the government to make an announcement about it.
This isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about basic human decency, which DeVos is completely devoid of. She deserves everything she got.
Oh my God. If I hear this bullshit line one more time I’m going to go nuts. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. FFS. Republic does not mean “elected with the aid of an electoral college”.
Looks like the to BQE to me.
I can think of worse things I would like to happen to them then losing elections.
On the other hand, if any idiots are actually accepting tickets to the next Fyre Fest (lol) in leiu of a refund absolutely do not deserve their money back. Holy fuck.
Sometimes its okay to be a dick. Even necessary. This is one of those times.
Nah they deserved it.
As a millenial, no way am I voting for some billionaire techie who who has little regard for privacy or consumer protections as president. I know I’m not alone.
God the rednecks I know aren’t so sensitive.
It sounds like they asked her to come in to discuss these issues? Who cares?
Tell me how useful that farmland is when the permafrost melts and releases catastrophic amounts of c02 and methane into the atmosphere.
I think it’s newsworthy when a Navy jet crashes and the pilot has to eject. Why are you even commenting on this?
He meant no one has ever made a movie about literally him, Chris Pratt, the “blue collar” multi millionaire Hollywood actor.
that’s a pretty fucking stupid take.
The airline will be just fine as they hold a monoply and the government doesn’t hold them accountable. What point are you trying to make here? United is screwing people over left and right.
You wanna know what the difference is? Other countries regualate their fucking corporations. We don’t do that well here.
Nah I was just using PC as a catch-all for desktops. I still think the Steam version is a better bet. Even if you’re not big into mods there are a few that can really enhance the experience, and you can add new buildings/vehicles to just make your city a bit more varied. But some people get super into it and make…
I’d buy it on PC. The modding community on the Steam workshop is top notch, adds tons of value to the game.