Justice Rains From My Butt

We all know kids these days are growing at a much faster rate than they used to

So, to David Brooks, college students practicing free speech is now a “collapse of liberal values”.

Uh.. that video felt totally fake.

Having wounds doesn’t mean she was being actively wounded or neglected. She probably had wounds because she was living in the fuckin woods (probably) without clothes.

Honestly I wonder about the ethics of forcibly removing her from the only beings that have given a shit about her and cared for her for so long. Obviously she isn’t a monkey and it wasn’t a safe situation, but it seems like they went about it totally the wrong way. Other accounts have the girl screaming and resisting

These are the words of a sad little boy. No one cares about your dick.

The utilitarian thing to do is off the stupid fuck. Greatest good for the greatest number.

This just reinforces one of y most closely held rules. Never trust a person under the age of 50 who wears a hat (outside of a baseball cap).

This. Used to be a wader, independently discovered folding. No one teaches you this stuff.

Are you aware of what the CERCLA does and how it it is funded or are you just blowing chunks out of your ass?

How is that taking it too far? Denying the Holocaust has potentially huge ramifications.


Yeah I’m all about non violent protest and no property destruction etc.

As if that makes it any less funny. I just watched a Nazi get punched in the face 20 times. It’s hilarious.

What? That a chunk of the country is filled with people who uber sensitive and irrational crybabies? There is no doubt a lot of the hate Obama recieved is because of his race. Not all of it, but some of it. Same goes for Clinton with regards to her gender. That definitely fueled some of it.

If you’re pissing off LePage you’re definitely doing something right.

What is the CIA’s goal, exactly? No one ever tells me this.

I wonder if he stole those too.

You can believe this asshole deserves to die and still be against capital punishment. That’s where I am right.

No white person could seriously be insulted by being called a “white boy” as way of referring to them in passive tone unless they were looking to be a victim. The fact this is an issue makes think we’re going backwards.