Justice Rains From My Butt

What you’ll find is the center right is just as spineless as the center left.

I love sushi too but the thought adding bread to the equation makes want to vomit.

This is not a very insightful comment.

People who hate all lawyers because they’ve been told to suck and are boring too.

Salty indeed.

The accusations of Trump being a Putin lackey are a bit much. But obviously they would like trump to be elected.

To be honest though, isn’t making a video game with many fictional aspects that kind of glorify the war making light of it too? It isn’t as if it’s super realistic shooter paying homage to the real war and its many victims. The game actually very poorly portrays the brutal reality of that war.

Yes I’m sure calling students “deadbeats” and choosing to ignore them and leave them behind is the best solution for everybody.

Hey, being able to charge 2k extra for faux-leather seats, seat warmers, and a USB port is “Special” for the dealer.

Reasonable republican is compariable to acceptable lung cancer.

Goddamnit you got me.

“Politicians are not good people on either side. It’s part of why I’m rebublican.”

I do not agree with that at all. I get being skeptical of Hillary but Jesus no. She isn’t Satan.

Politics as usual as far as I see it. Let the morons downstream deal with it.

I have a feeling you don’t live in NYC. They’re some of the highest paid municipal employees. That isn’t the solution.

Source: I’m a white person.

The banner is nonsense, but I don’t think the details matter that much. People want sensible gun control and the second amendment purists will always fight it.

I’d find it more gleeful if 41% of the country wasn’t proving how terrible they are at being human beings.

She didn’t mention Trump by his name throughout the whole speech. Intentional?

No, you’re right, it’s not a coincidence that these reports are coming 26 days before Election Day, Don. YOU’RE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.