You get one guess. Hint: Probably the same reason they are carefully examining a video that purports to show President Obama with an erection.
You get one guess. Hint: Probably the same reason they are carefully examining a video that purports to show President Obama with an erection.
If this is the best the alt-right can come up with, I’m less worried about them.
Ivanka trump trying to be the face of working mothers sickens me to no end. You don’t get to be the representative of working mothers (or fathers!) when you have basically unlimited amounts of money at your disposal.
I suspect you don’t know what a lot of things mean.
You keep telling yourself that bud. If this is the hill you want to die on.
Pro tip: fart jokes don’t equal jokes demeaning women and making light of sexual assault.
I’m a straight male who can say I have never bantered like this with friends.
Am I a bad person if I wish it on neo-nazis? Like I don’t think she deserved even if she represents what I think are terrible things, but neo-nazis, I’d struggle to muster any kind of fuck.
I’ve worked for far older companies with far more progressive hiring policies than Silicon Valley. Give me a break with this tired bullshit about them being better than older companies in other industries. The old guard mostly sucks too but Silicon Valley is no better.
I think detached single-family tract housing counts as wasteland.
I think he thinks they are inherently weaker. That’s the point. I have no doubt he believes that. And frankly I doubt anyone handles a really traumatic experience well.
I understand that kind of situation and accept that reality, but when police departments are giving out trinkets encouraging this kind of thing to any dumb kid of a cop I think it’s indicative of a shitty system.
I mean I know the answer, but my question is really why would law enforcement treat the family of law enforcement any differently? That is very unethical.
That wallet thing he’s holding is commonly given out to cops’ family members and contains a miniature version of the cop’s shield.
I’ve never seen someone who was so brainwashed by Italian tabloids, lol.
You’re only thinking that because she’s so closely associated with the case. Your mind is tricking you. There is zero physical evidence linking her to the murder.
Not after he gets convicted.
Trump’s influence at work here.
It’s actually an pretty incredible achievement on Trump’s part that we’re now having a national discussion on whether or not the candidates should be fact checked. That should be a given, and if anyone but Trump were on the GOP portion of the ticket it wouldn’t even be a question. To borrow a term from the alt-right,…
I think that’s the joke