Justice Rains From My Butt

Nah, fuck this attitude. I will retain to right to criticize nations where the brutal rape of a 15 year old is semi-acceptable. It doesn’t make anyone a racist. If I said it was because of their skin color or some innate part of them, than yeah I would be. But I can criticize other places in the same way I criticize

Brazil has been independent since 1822. And even so, i’m not sure what any of that has to do with sexism.

Well, it’s all talk until some nut actually follows through. You never know who it’s going to be.

They didn’t make.. like maybe the football team do it?

He’s already fallen for it.

I always thought it lacked any substance, from what I saw. Yeah, huge universe, lots of planets, lots to see - but beyond that what’s the point of it all?

Except when half your team is playing her and you lose because of it.

If this rich-person form of transportation gets public funding over more extensive and cheaper high speed rail that is accessible to more people, I will pretty upset.

I know the feeling. My parents live in a rural area here in the US and their only option for internet up until recently was Verizon, and you better bet Verizon took full advantage. They couldn’t even stream Netflix because their bandwidth was so fucking expensive it’d cost a fortune.

It's nice to see that phone companies are terrible the whole world over.

This is what happens when you don’t require undergrads to take some kind of class about the environment as an undergrad. Polluting a lake side park is one thing, but many of these students will probably go on to work in jobs where they are complicit in destroying the environment in one way or another without ever

Parking tickets = nanny state. Dat hyperbole.

How about “neither is good” for starters?

Jesus the Tesla-jerk crowd got here FAST.

Right? All these fucking old white cisgender males... Sick of it!

I’m changing the social norms by chastising people whenever they express feelings about gender norms about child birth and shitty expectations from society.

Can we not normalize fighting because it is normal in Some places? I’m not saying this for should be charged as an adult but fighting should be in no way shrugged off as teenagers being teenagers.

but that its user policies ban “explicit graphic content.”

... and offer shit pay, no benefits and serve as a prime example of the race to the bottom for the American worker.

The Ozone layer story is actually one of the best stories of environmental regulation WORKING PERFECTLY. They banned CFCs and now the hole in the ozone layer is closing up. I don’t understand what Trump is doing here.