Justice Rains From My Butt

You do realize what website you’re on? But uh yeah, keep up gettin outraged on the behalf of others

Oh yeah those liberals, known for their violent and hateful rhetoric.

Because most gamers are petulant children. I really wish it weren’t true, but it is.

This isn’t just they don’t like her tattoo. This is far worse.

This is the first time I’ve voted crack pipe (admittedly I don’t vote that often). 10k for a 20 year old Jeep is too much. Don’t care what the specifics are.

What the fuck did you just say about me bud

I disagree. Even if I agree with a lot of the points he was making, I just don’t find Larry Wilmore that funny.

They frequently talk about paying people ‘what they’re worth.’

It’s the incredible sense of entitlement that makes it male-gazey.

Good God you could post that letter to reddit today and would totally not seem out of place.

I found an amazing new detox solution everyone

Isn’t Becky the mascot for University of Wisconsin? Becky Badger?

If you’re not a lawyer, don’t dip your toes into legal waters. Blizzard absolutely has a legal obligation to protect their IP. And size does matter.

People who don't need a whole lot of car. I know. It's weird some people have different needs and priorities than you. Scary world man.

Yes, we should aim to be more like Russia and Brazil

Why do so many people seem to think they can pester others into supporting their favorite candidate?

Napoleon stuck his stubby lil’ fingers in their business for a sec too tho, to be fair

I’m still not sure who I’m gonna vote for tomorrow but I know one thing: I can’t wait until this fucking thing is over. Jesus Christ I’m sick of Hillary people and Bernie people. Shut up.

This just reaffirms my disdain for political “moderates”

Why not? Ratings!