That’s not the point. The point is Iran wouldn’t be in the state it is today if not for the US. And we continue to pull this shit around the world. It needs to be pointed out so we STOP fucking doing it.
Yes, we have a bad habit of doing that don’t we?
Well, he isn’t a communist so...
Haha, this is trash science.
AKA the GamerGate method.
He needs to stay out of fields he doesn’t belong in though. He isn’t a biologist.
Similarly, there will always be people who hang out in the left lane.
So then it isn’t the slow drivers, it’s the people act aggressively while driving. Maybe the solution is don’t drive aggressively.
Tailgaters aren’t the problem slow people are.
Convinced me to buy it, and of course being from the Harvest Moon camp, I love it.
Don’t use the word mentally different. It’s insulting.
Loving cars is against the norm enough for most people in this country todtoday.
And Pewdiepie’s legions of mindless followers will now attack the game on Steam.
yeah, I really do hate this “middle of the road” as the noble position. Like, one side is objectively wrong on a lot of issues.
What “culture” are they appropriating?
I drink a lot and I refuse to do shots. One particular friend always buys a round and I just give it to someone else.
People get life in prison for a lot less than this.
Inknow. Angola is like a little bit of 1850 right there in Louisiana.