There are some fantastic traditional carols out there. It's a real shame you don't hear them much any more.
There are some fantastic traditional carols out there. It's a real shame you don't hear them much any more.
Wondering if the extreme shortness of the season counted against it.
Thanks for the answer. I still don't think it's for me, but good to know the show itself stays pretty respectful. I guess I should really have guessed as much from the NPR pedigree.
OK. I'm confused. When I first heard about this, the whole thing sounded kind of distasteful. And now it's got popular, and I'm seeing Murder-She-Wrote type commentary popping up all over the internet (present company excepted, *of course*), that impression has only got stronger.
Bellucci-in-anything counterpoint: Matrix sequels.
The comment about the Taiping rebellion and Boer War has just made me realise how badly I want a Flashman/Assassin's Creed mashup. Dash frantically through famous scenes of the mid-late 19th century stealing things and stabbing people while all around you historical shit goes down!
It's totally the sweet, sweet caramel layer in the Mars. And the colour of the fluffy stuff, though surely it's just dye really…?
Aww man, now I have the Jarro in Party Favors sads again. :-(
I can't believe you've already Chas-tainted this article with a pun thread.
"For cinephiles especially, there’s something weirdly enjoyable about seeing action-cinema clichés recreated on a smaller scale."
—Shia LaBeouf
*So many* of the Bends-OKC videos were just amazing. "Just" and "No Surprises" really seared themselves into my brain in particular. The filling bowl in No Surprises is just kind of awful and hypnotic at the same time.
Wikipedia is telling me the original version was 2001 (!) It is crazy unlike the version that finally ended up on disc. I should make some effort to find the intermediate live versions, because I bet seeing the evolution would be really cool.
In no particular order:
…but the Glastonbury gig gave us How To Disappear Completely, so… uh… that's OK?
Worth tracking down the original OK-Computer-era iteration of Reckoner, if only for the illuminating contrast. I'm still very, very unclear how the thrashy, dirty, angry first version ever became the jazzy, smoooooth lynchpin of In Rainbows. But it makes me very happy they both exist.
Liked for username-comment synergy.
::Dons fishing gear, sways vaguely ominously::
Named, I believe, consciously for the fact that they were after somewhere as dissimilar from Scotland as they could think of.