
Mad Dogfish & Fin-glishmen

Would he have to shave *off* the goatee?


Yeah, you're right. That makes more sense.

Apparently, I still don't understand Disqus formatting. Apologies.

Good episode. Who knows, they might actually be stringing together a decent end to the season here.
MILD SPOILERS?Pros:* Good work on the Casti gore. Pink flesh, nasty white bloody stuff.* Nolan-as-badass is way better than Nolan-as-goody-twoshoes.* Convincing fight scene. I totally believed Datak's style would be

Jacket flap - Yeah, that got me too on my first reading. First line and everything, IIRC.


Jokes like this are almost treesonous.

Nothing says increase in quality like a 50% rise in output!

I'm here 5 months after the fact as well. Please cover!

The broken helmet strap detail really sold it.

Yes, yes it is.

Back of the net.

Yeah, I kind of felt the same way- this was pretty enjoyable. As you say, nice to see at least token efforts to avoid mysticism, and I actually think the mashing up of the very spiritual Irasthian (sp?) culture with the space tech has worked pretty well. Also nice to see some decent, consistent world building going on

Well, I haven't stared in sick horror at my TV unable to look away since… uh, Wikipedia tells me it was September 2nd, 2012.

"Dear Netflix, you no longer furnish the pictures. We'll furnish the war pizza."

Cool. I suspect the fact I can't remember probably reflects badly on my interest in the show over its last few seasons, though.

It occurred to me about halfway through reading this article that I have absolutely no idea if I ever saw the season finale. It would be 2001/2002, right?

Top hat plus green rug accessory or GTFO.