
So for someone like me who loves Freelancer and has downloaded so many add ons for it to make as complete a zany universe as i have on my PC, you mean Eve doesn’t provide this? After a while zooming around solo gets pretty lonely sometimes. I’ve read the drawback experiences of many but since i’ve recently come free

I mean, all of these Eve Online stories have me rapt for the details on the strategies and nuances of it being deployed to get victory, and this is yet another one that I am enjoying the read through on.

I have in my current and previous civilian jobs (which had fortunately gave me many learning experiences albeit learning from the negatives) a role as a gender advocate and mainstreaming expert. I figure one key novel for me which opened my eyes as a young kid, which was Carl Sagan’s ‘Contact’, as an aspiring

I can see how Reddit can get confused for 4chan, but it really is okay at times. Just like any other website, assholes exist in some corners, nerds in others, cool kids with the new cool gadgets in another.

Fucking hell. No one does things better than us Americans, including when we know how deep in a hole we are, and we keep digging the best hole anyway.

I mean, is America that great to live in anymore? I keep an apartment in LA, live there for a few months at a time but I’ve moved to New Zealand and am living life again, with a lot less worry about healthcare headaches that we’re (yes, I am still American) going through. While i sympathize with this woman, the system

Look, Rock is busy and despite his 4am wake up time and a grand total of 3 hours sleep a night, he just couldn’t fit this in okay?

Mmmmm, squalene and a nice white wine.

had no idea Genie was only ranked No. 60. For all the exposure around her lately (well, i barely look for tennis news but her face and her name are familiar to me!) I thought she was at least top 20. But looking at her again, typical and sad that she’s known because she looks a certain way.

You’re saying she should look the same as she used to, when all us fans have all grown older and sagged in various places too? I love her to bits. She’s just grown older, and that’s sexy as hell to me now that I’m in my 40s. Grown and Sexy, she is.

“With you fingers”

The proper question is why planes don’t have air freshner (even a mild one at that) in there anyway just to neutralize odors regardless.

i can dig this from the Witcher 3 experience I’m currently having...

I wonder if i’m on the cursed other end of the spectrum from this one here. I literally cannot finish in under 20 minutes. And its frustrating because the longer i go the more I know I’m going to be farther and farther from finishing. I’m in love with my girl, who I’m lucky to have and who is also luckily a multiple

Also to be fair, as i understand it, the books provide some source material, which is important and foundational and he deserves credit for creating the world The Witcher is set in, but the game’s stories are authored by other writers now Sapkowski, so in a way, he doesn’t deserve all the credit nor all of the

For real. I come from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, so to get Stateside or to Europe, this entails multiple flights of 8+ hours at a time. To be considerate, I time my business for transits in airports, and watching what i eat the entire time including the 8 hours or so before I have to board the first flight. I

thanks so much for this. Picked up Witcher 3 in a bargain bin for my super expensive new PC rig. and after reading all that, I think i ain’t got time for that! I’m a sports sim fan anyway so my attention span doesn’t extend to this genre of games. it all does sound fantastic the way you describe it, so amazing that

God damn! This is a game review for the ages! Thank you for sharing Nathan and wishing you well. Have a kick ass day bro.

Agreed, and i read it more as an insight into his musings of his own internal conflict, that conflict of course winning reluctantly in the acceptance that his childhood hero is a tainted one. we get an inside peek into his internal conversation (and much of his comedy is that kind of audience in observation and

Yeah, thanks no thanks.