
It’s only bad in a visual sense but otherwise where would Kinja be if it didn’t have reddit to steal trending topics from?

Come on now, they’re just rehashing what to me remains the gold standard for action heroine (aside from Ripley of course). I don’t know why the movie was hated, but on rewatching over the weekend, it still has the action and acting chops, a funny as hell Samuel L Jackson in support role no less, and some elements of

meh fuck that guy. others like Dustin Brown have better stories deserving of attention, not only for their quirk but reflection of not taking life and chances for granted. Not to mention the high entertainment value of his actual tennis play.

I asked my gf and she says, “she’s fashionably cool, and other celebs and artists dig her, and so she’s hot”, which really isn’t an answer as to why we’re both here.

Agree, and its just more entertaining and has a chance of producing some laughter between players.

ZombiePiercer anybody???

TIL, well done!

I too used to be an avid reader of fiction of the science leaning. Then shortly after graduation, landed a job as a marine biologist on a fairly remote corner of the earth, on an island where aside from 5 other people, the world was made up of amazing weather extremes, a few hundred to thousands of seals, roaming

My, Sweet, Sweet, Child...

I hope this isn’t travesty but seeing this picture on the sidebar while reading that riDevosiculous statement made me chuckle. I’m sure Bill would read this and express himself this way.

LOL good stuff :-)

I’m surprised you know how to spell dictionary, you ignorant twat. Get a fucking world view beyond your flatland, why don’t you.

Author likes to keep himself happy with his definition of ‘thick’ so lay off the guy man.

My ex could do this as well, and would do it while driving as well which bugged the hell of out me. She’d say she would still have her eyes on the road and my argument was that her mind was more on the composition of the text and thus still distracted. It was hella amazing though to see her do things while texting

i find Peter F Hamilton’s Night’s Dawn depiction of space battles quite interesting and evokes some of these scenes (or is it the other way around now that series is more than a decade old). Takes some accounting of G forces and distance fighting, but it’s all fictional anyway, who’s going to be around when these

You misspelled ‘delicious’.

I think he is praising any movie that has BP in it. Paxton not Pullman, mind.

It’s a little amusing. There’s generational differences at play across the spectrum here: PewDiePie vs mainstream media old farts (savvy current gen young vs traditional “comms” farts), and old fart YouTubers vs the YouTube generation of 15 year olds (sensible public and popular personalities vs 15 year olds).

Fuck yeah, beef is the only answer. If ever in Buenos Aires, find the local parrila (aka local bbq restaurant) that locals go to, of course. I was there for two weeks for a climate change meeting. No guilty conscience eating that delicious steak of all cuts and sizes (well there was only one size which was size massive

I would like to mail you my copies of House Atreides, House Harkonnen, and i couldn’t bring myself to buy the third book. Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson, their shitty efforts should earn them a place in hell for writing that load of shit in a world revered sci fi universe.