
Wait, is this a joke? Since when was sci-fi not a metaphor for political stories?

All I can say is that this better be a REAL sci-fi movie. Not just a metaphor for some political story where the aliens are some afterthought

My old job had 6 phone lines, but only one of them worked for receiving calls. All outboud calls were “spoofed” to be the incoming line, that way people don’t return calls to individual doctor’s desks.

I think it’s largely a consequence of the way they did number portability, when that was mandated by the FCC. Phone companies no longer own large blocks of numbers in an area, so when a connection comes from outside their network, they can’t apply simple rules to detect a spoof. Or things like Google Voice where a

I still don’t understand why phone number spoofing is allowed at all. What possible (legitimate) purpose can it have?

Right now Netlfix has 117.58 million paying* subscribers. That’s roughly 1.175 BILLION a month or 14+ BILLION a year. They are doing perfectly fine. They could buy 282 movies a year at $50 mil a pop before they were in the red.

...and a birthday gift? :)

So are they going to help the poor car too?

Bridget Cleary’s story is episode 11, Black Stockings.

Now playing

Right on, too much coddling in baseball, not enough carlin....

Perhaps you need to worry less about finding that orgasm and just enjoy the moment. That was my issue when I was younger. I would be so worried about everything else except just relaxing, going with the flow and enjoying myself to the point where I never had an orgasm with another person. It only happened when I

I feel like the lack of comments on this article means that people didn’t realize the gravity of this case. Had the court ruled in Lexmark’s favor, it would have opened the door for all sorts of chicanery from companies sneaking anti-reselling language into their EULA’s. We dodged a major bullet here, people.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

But at least with the greys, it’s possible to mostly ignore them. Sure, one will occasionally slip through the cracks or someone will reply to a troll, not realizing that it will ungrey them, but it mostly works. Unfortunately, I think a lot of kinja users forget that it’s possible to reply to a troll and then dismiss

If I had a dollar for everytime someone repeated that line.

Reddit’s the armpit, 4chan’s the asshole.

maybe Reddit users/visitors aren’t a monolith

Hi, welcome to Gawkermodo, the home of painting a group of people with a wide brush.

This video should be shown to libertarians, followed by “this is what happens when corporations are no longer ‘tied down’ by government.”

It makes you wonder what protection you’d have legally if you’d jumped in to help this guy being assaulted by non-cops. I’m guessing none.