
This won’t count if it’s sent from your Android smartphone.

Speaking of, where is Sam Worthington these days? He kind of had a similar early trajectory and typecast set of films then promptly disappeared.

I’m going to bet money that you know money enough to bet money that you will be right on the money!

Or the pop culture equivalent of the Beyonce effect (don’t have a link to explain but it’s about Beyonce’s team trying to take down unattractive pictures taken of the star FROM THE ENTIRE INTERNET)

Nah, more likely Telstra exists in the Star Wars universe too.

Nice article and read, I enjoyed it.

Protestant crucifixes. Get good ol Catholic ones and we’re in scarier territory.

Completely agreed, the author should have done his homework better, the 80s memories I have are golden hued ones of entire days spent at the local arcade or the ‘spacies’ at the fish n chips shop a block away from home. He is right though about the prevalence and mainstream cultural acceptance of gaming as just a part

Conan’s skits are always well put together. He’s put in Cube and Hart as the instigators, himself as the straight guy, and the girl in the position of awkward fall guy or patsy. But the way Conan steers the whole thing is always amazing for the pure gold that the final product ends up being. This was funny as shit,

I read the Wikipedia article on it and now regret it. That was the most WTF Wikipedia article I’ve ever read, actual WTF kind of ‘movie’ is that. I can’t even imagine watching such a thing to the end, fuck.

Guys, relax. Jane Foster’s character (and Natalie Portman’s casting) is for simpler minded fans like myself who want to just feast on the eye candy that she is, simple and mission accomplished.

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Korean soap is like regular daytime soap multiplied by 1,000. Close up shots facial expressions make up likely 50% of the runtime on those shows.

Absolutely the same here. What my brain does is to recognize the jumble of letters and their squiggly bits that make one name and affixes some weird pronunciation of which will remain for the rest of the story. If I didn’t force myself to do that, I’ll continually be interrupted to wondering who that certain character

Well, let’s just appreciate him for the T20 then, seems he likes this format the best, sadly.

Personally, I was relieved when it cut to the heli shot because the movie took a Korean soap opera turn when Luke and Rey looked at each other like who was gonna cry first (or get married).

On point. Cruise was perfect in exactly the way you reason it, plus the character has a fall from his snooty officer role down to the grunt level where he clearly is quite a wimp of sorts. Him overcoming that in the way the film portrays it through comedic cuts helps win the audience over to empathizing with him by

And now i’m wondering how Bo would have been at QB...

You beat me to an edit to update and link to Wikipedia too.

I remember also being shocked when my girlfriend would tell me about the times that would happen to her in public places as well as the trains/buses. I think it’s because its just so crazy a thing to do the average person (males more so) are more surprised that there is this leve of craziness that total strangers can

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Here’s a better otherworldly video with lightsaber action. Music is great too.