
All i wanna know is, but what if Tom Brady were black?

I'm not so sure, he said "oice"...

Just do a rugby style conversion kick, no need for anyone else on the field (special teams for conversions will just be the kicker, the degree of difficulty will be such that no defensive play is needed, it will be a lone skill play).

These stories of bad behavior are flabbergastingly shocking.

Growing up in New Zealand playing rugby, then later moving to Hawaii where I picked up high school and then some college football, I can say my head never hurt as much playing rugby than playing football. I play golden oldies rugby now, i doubt i could ever strap on another football helmet. Those things make me cringe

Wow, never noticed it before but Lebron totally likes Tim Tebow, or vice versa.

what... what if... what if somehow they did a switcheroo?

Your kid could be the genius you could foster to come up with some solutions to drag society to some control of itself.

Deadspin needs to holiday in the Pacific Islands sometime, specifically Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji. There's a reason these islanders have a presence in a lot of physical sports professionally. We grow them big here. Seriously this kid while bigger than average, wouldn't be an infrequent sight to see strolling down the

I was thinking about that game too straight after the INT, when they threw up Carrol's reaction up on screen.

My dogs were lucky enough to all have had good eyesight, which is kinda good. not sure about their sense of smell though. They were guard dogs though and our house sits on top of a hill with a long winding driveway up. even if i had wind behind me, those fuckers would come streaking down with all intent to chew my

I ran Inherent Vice on DVD three nights in a fucking row and I have no idea what the fuck it was about at the end of all that.

Huh. Thanks for that. Learned something new today!

So it wasn't a goal? (Being sincere here, I would love to know for real).

My God, you women are amazing.

Yeah it's alright I guess. Tropical heat though, makes you long for Alaska cool!

the Pacific, specifically Fiji.

Would be really cool to have a side by side pair of satellite images showing an earlier vs current expanse of these terraced fields.

Her SII suit's nanonic system gently woke her up, playing a soft melody of bells and chimes. In her arms, her baby son stirred also, but did not wake. Her nanonic UI fluttered gently behind her still closed eyelids as she automatically and half consciously flitted through the security checks that her suit systems had

As she deactivated the force field shield that had kept him hidden from the last surveyor drones, a twinge of doubt suddenly made her wince internally. Was she sure in what she had done in hiding, to stay back as the last human on the planet? She wasn't even sure she was really the last remaining living human either,