
fark, Germans make good cars AND good movies!!!

the trailer, Wayne, and Batman, all need some serious Tebow sidekick action here.

looks are similar to first one, and no kidding about the 'more hair', jeepers.


this is the second trailer seen today set to dubstep music. its getting tired pretty quick and not sure it would do the trailers much favour. at least, im the only who cares probably. effing crickets...

may i suggest Peter F Hamilton's Nights Dawn trilogy. you'll get all this kind of action and more and best of all, you can choose all the camera angles yourself and all the glorious details in mechs, boosted marines, and warfare deploying these to your hearts content!

this year i budgeted myself 5 big hollywood movies for silver screen viewing, and all were picked from their trailers for the most part. so far 4 done and one left. the trailers have not disappointed in picking a movie despite the usual misgivings particularly of the scifi genre:

5 years from now:

here's another: avoid living in cities if you can. food, water and utilities will become harder for councils and governments to maintain on dwindling budgets supporting those systems and infrastructures. cities pose the most immediate threat not because of the shortages of the 3 cornerstone basics of food, water, and

well played Mr Lamar, well played sir...

AMSM u r a hero.

Love the answer you gave to Ethan; me sees your psychology major kungfu and respects it....

Also the Message in Carl Sagan's Contact should count too. Fun thing about BDO's is not really the awe factor we put to them automatically but also the D moves we put in place in reaction to them. Contact the movie does this nicely in the Government rushing in soldiers in Blackhawks, militarising the research the

i'm sorry, as big a fan of mr lamar as i am, that was pretty diturbing on many levels. while not really Nsfw save for the screaming of children being murdered at top volume in an office filled with young fawning parents (who now will keep their kids far away from me, a father of 3 kidlets), i lost my star for far less

i was about to say, but what if the first alien artefact we find is an alien equivalent of a portaloo?

I was just re-watching Indiana Jones again last night, both Raiders and Temple movies, and it got me thinking about what made people such big fans of those two movies in particular and how the expectation of the Tintin movie compares to how the Indy movies were i.e. the old swashbuckle type adventure movies of the 80s

in my work travels which take me Stateside a few times a year, it is fascinating to me how much of the commercial breaks during a programme are given to some new drug of some sort. Its kinda a neat little shady partnership that you are required to get your doctor's approval first before being prescribed drug X, Y or

holy f..... well, if its got Woody, i'm IN with a few joints to help!!!!

2 others for additional consideration in my humble opinion:

i have no idea what the Hunger Games are about but seeing a Woody Harrelson look alike got me excited for a split second there...