
good for them. can i just put my hand up and say that that p b d shit just gave me massive headache and an excuse to leave work early due to nausea?

holy fuck, that was a kick! very NRL-ish. those kicks are hard to do with the more elongated union balls, only SLIGHTLY easier with the NRL ball. but damn, DC is the man!

hmm, i've been lucky in the past to have had partners that were able to have multiple Os. I guess the problem here is really that smaller percentage who just liked to have the one and didn't feel comfortable continuing.


i guess the only real easy way to do that is to stop teh cape somewhere near the hairline and paint the remainder down to his upper cheekbones with black/blue paint. You'd get the expressions alright, i'm just not sure we'd wanna see it anyway...

that is the COOLEST shit i have seen in ages!

I think that catchphrase of the day going around, 'i have the weirdest boner right now' is apt to describe looking through some of Giger's alien erotica work. Alien's erotic moment really was just Weaver prancing around in her tightie whities at the end.

i swear i have friends who are a couple who look exactly like that!

damn who says 'Gawd Almighty!' anymore? :-)

that was impressive but i'm left feeling dumber coz of the French accent...

I went to this arty farty bookstore in my varsity town about 15 years ago and picked up one of Giger's big art books. I had to find a seat to sit down in as i nearly fell over from the nausea that came with each turn of the page. Giger is brilliant and not a little twisted but i certainly do understand where the first

his system must be so hateful of curry, its like its saying,'a fucking marathon is easy to put up with than the shit he pumps down here!'

aaargh, now i HAVE to watch it to be disappointed that its not good enough compared to the original based on the comments below... sigh... amped up my interest with mention (and non mention) of THE SCENE and now its piqued my interest to find out what it is now on youtube...

i couldn't stand even half this movie when my gf put it on, this scene will unfortunately take me back to it tonight now....

this made my day, and I just scored the best video link sent around to the rest of my cubicle drones (and maybe even a date!). interestingly, it begs a question, do animals know 'good' and 'bad' behaviour in association of what is 'wrong' and 'right'?

effing hell Japan.

hearted too. can't wait to have kids to teach them science, a la Sagan's Contact.

agreed, the other very incorrect comparison between rugby and football, that the former is more dangerous continues. I'm not sure if there's a comparison statistic but having played both (played senior a's rugby at NZ varsity level, and some lame ass division football, too embarrassed to say which) I'm forever rolling


i'm wondering about the last story, if a poll could done about how many fellas would use the fake on putting on a condom. That last guy isn't scared enough of STIs, HIV at the least. Maybe she was doing him the courtesy of NOT passing on whatever she had... geezuz