
For men, sometimes, yes. This is a very real issue. One of my best friends is Japanese and waffeling between where to live. We’ve had lots of talks about the experience of women in Japan. There is definitely a reason many women there are choosing to be single, unmarried, not have children.

I hope you never lose your job. I hope you never face unexpected and crushing debt due to something like medical costs. I also hope you don’t get your identity stolen, because that’s always the victim’s fault.

Do you have large breasts? Because if not, you should know that no one with large breasts humble brags about it. It’s not like being “too skinny.” Having large breasts is so traumatic, developmentally, that most women need really muster up courage to talk about any harassment they face because of it. (It might be

It’s not. It’s fucking AWFUL having large breasts and you DO get treated like an asshole by asshole ALL.THE.TIME.

Later, in the staff meeting, Dan presents all his interesting and unexpected findings, without a hint of irony.

I’ve never worn their jeans but if anything happens to their Aerie line I will be very unhappy.

A shit load of energy, until they have to clean their rooms. Little shits.

The correct answer for 90% of those cuts is sous vide.

There was a study that men think 30% of women in a group or if 30% of time used speaking by women means it is gender equal. Anything over that and it is perceived as “female biased”

This is dumb. Nobody noticed the increase and nobody will benefit from the decrease, but the USPS will certainly notice the shortfall.


For every woman who chooses to wear the hijab there are at least 1000 others who are forced to wear it by their fathers, husbands, or their government.

When that one Yelp employee got fired for telling a reporter that she made 8.75 an hour, lived two hours outside San Fran with a billion roommates, never turned on her heat, ate nothing but ramen and still couldn’t afford to live SO MANY people ragged on her, saying that she didn’t “deserve” to live in the city if she

Now playing

I would say the fact that Apple operations worldwide (Their offices, their stores, everything) are almost 100% carbon-neutral now matters quite a bit.

If your having tax problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 deductions but a dependent ain’t one

That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.

You went there and I dig it.

And she can actually enunciate.

I thought she was great.

This obviously varies, but private schools can offer really good financial aid packages that can make them cheaper than public schools.