
It could also mean you've become an asshole.

I typed 5 responses, deleted them all and gave up. If you still vote Republican at this point you are effectively casting a vote for the end of the American dream. Yout are owned, don't you know that?

I really genuinely like Hurraw balm. It's not overly thick or gloopy or anything. It just basically forms a really nice shield on your lips that will actually stay on. And it's vegan and animal-testing free, if you care about that stuff. And it tastes amazing (22 flavors). It's just a really nice all-purpose balm. I'm

I really genuinely like Hurraw balm. It's not overly thick or gloopy or anything. It just basically forms a really

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this reaction. I'm also childless, and my second thought after reading this (and after thinking, "Jesus, what a terrible person!") was that now she's a part of TeamMom, she's going to start treating employees without kids like shit. You can see the seeds of it in the editorial, as

Also, if you're coming into work at 10:30, don't bitch when your employees who got to work at 8:30 leave at 5:00. I had a boss who routinely showed up for work around lunchtime (or rather, just in time to go to lunch) and come 5:00 he was always like "where's everyone going?" Um.....we got our work done during the

I read this article the other day and look, I'm glad that she understands the perspective of mothers (and I should say, parents) now that she has a kid, but there is something about this that really rubs me the wrong way. I'm a childless woman and I've worked in a supervisory or co supervisory role with all types of

Don't schedule meetings with anyone, parent or not, at 4:30 pm. Unless you are a monster.

She sounds like she was pretty much a dick as a manager if you DIDN'T have kids. For fuck's sake people, some of us have lives, hobbies, OTHER family members we like to spend time with. Companies have stopped giving a shit about any of us... why do they think we'll continue to sacrifice everything, and kill ourselves

Unless I have somewhere that I need to be, I will sit for hours in just a towel after I've gotten out of the shower. I find it so freeing.

Hmm... is joke?

I apologize in advance for how sappy and uncool this is. But I just realized I do every one of my secret single behaviors including making face masks out of random kitchen ingredients, talking out my problems to my dogs and answering for them in funny voices, taking 2+ hour-long baths, and occasionally putting on

so I guess my strangest single behavior would have to be commenting on Jezebel all goddamn day long.

I say really sarcastic things to commercials. Out loud. Like full out mocking them. And then I laugh, because I'm hilarious. It's really tragic.

Psh! Are you kidding? I can't believe that's the way a media relations employee responded! Talk about childish. As someone who works in PR, I'm appalled and wonder how on earth this person even has a job. Expecting someone to work for free, getting called out on it and responding like this? If this is how McDonald's

As a creative professional (photographer), few things irk me more than people asking me to essentially work for free. I've had companies and organizations contact me telling me they want to publish or use my work. When I ask about compensation, they tell me that they can't pay me, but it's "great exposure".

So apparently McDonald's is the corporate equivalent of your friends who want to rope you into performing for free at their wedding.

It is relatively common for musicians who deal with people who try to get them to work without payment to spread the word about it. It's not childish it is sticking up for your rights as professionals, and informing your fellow performers so they don't waste their time.

I can't believe that no one at McDonald's PR department didn't do a pro/con of paying bands a token, what, $5,000? to play vs. the potential backlash of asking them to play for free.

Apparently not even to be paid fairly for doing work, according to you.